本文关键词:浙江省海陆产业系统耦合协调发展研究 出处:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 海陆产业系统 耦合发展 灰色关联度 耦合协调度 趋势协调度
【摘要】:浙江省是一个海洋大省,海域辽阔,拥有丰富的海洋资源。大力发展海洋经济,有助于浙江发挥海洋资源优势,延伸发展空间;有助于推进经济结构调整,形成新的产业优势;更有助于区域合作交流,促进对外开放。随着浙江省海洋资源开发的逐步深入,海洋产业和陆域产业的关联越来越密切。两者之间不仅存在合作关系,在生产要素、资本、空间布局等方面也存在竞争矛盾。统筹海陆关系,促进海陆产业系统优质耦合发展成为发展海洋经济乃至发展浙江省区域经济的重要出路。本文首先介绍了研究背景和意义,梳理了关于海陆协调发展、系统耦合相关国内外研究现状。在确定相关概念内涵,阐述相关理论的基础上,分析了海陆产业系统的特征、耦合发展动因以及耦合效应。通过灰色关联法对浙江省海陆三次产业之间的关联情况进行了定量分析,结合浙江省海陆产业发展现状对海陆产业关联度排序和关联形式进行了阐述。基于海陆产业耦合关系分析,本文从产业要素、产业规模、产业结构三个方面选取了 12个指标,设计耦合度评价指标体系。运用熵值法和层次分析法(AHP)对指标进行赋权,计算耦合协调度和趋势协调度,分析浙江省海陆产业系统耦合发展过程,判断浙江省海陆产业系统目前还处于中级耦合阶段。同时根据GM(1,1)模型对2015-2018年浙江省海陆产业系统耦合度进行了预测,发现海洋产业发展速度将落后于陆域产业,两者协调度下降。最后,本文从完善耦合保障体系、海岸带规划设计、提高海洋产业整体科技水平三个方面,对提高浙江省海陆产业耦合水平提出建议。
[Abstract]:Zhejiang province is a coastal province, vast sea area, rich in marine resources. To develop the marine economy, to help Zhejiang to play the advantages of marine resources, extend the development space; help to promote the adjustment of economic structure, the formation of a new industrial advantage; more conducive to regional cooperation and exchange, to promote the opening. With the development of ocean resources in Zhejiang province is gradually thorough, marine industry and land industry association is more and more close. There are not only cooperative relations between the two, in the capital, production factors, there is competition conflicts of space layout. Overall land relations, promote land industry quality system coupling development has become an important way out for the development of marine economy and the development of regional economy in Zhejiang province the paper first introduces the research background and significance, reviews on land and sea coordinated development, research status at home and abroad. The related coupling in determining the related concept and connotation, On the basis of relevant theory, analyzes the characteristics of land industry system, coupling development factors and the coupling effect. Through grey correlation method to carry out a quantitative analysis of correlation between land and sea in Zhejiang Province three industries, according to the development status of Zhejiang province land industry relevancy and industry of sea related forms are discussed. Analysis of land and sea based on the coupling relationship between industry, industry factors, industrial scale, industrial structure in three aspects: choosing 12 index, design of coupling degree evaluation index system. Using entropy and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for index weight calculation of coupling coordination degree and coordination degree trend, analysis the development process of Zhejiang province land industry coupling system judge, Zhejiang province land industry system is still in the stage of intermediate coupling. At the same time according to the GM (1,1) model of marine industry in Zhejiang province 2015-2018 years system coupling into For the prediction of marine industry development speed will be found behind the land industry, the coordination degree decreased. Finally, this article from the perfect coupling security system, the planning and design of coastal zone, improve three aspects of the overall level of science and technology to improve the marine industry, Zhejiang province land and sea level industrial coupling are proposed.
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