发布时间:2018-01-07 10:27
本文关键词:全球能源互联网的产业效应分析 出处:《山东社会科学》2017年08期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 全球能源互联网 产业效应 创新理论 网络经济
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the Internet economy, the global energy Internet also came into being, and have a profound impact on the national economy. In this paper, Inpet innovation theory and based on the principle of network economics, combined with the main characteristic of global energy Internet, industry analysis of the effects of global energy Internet, expounds the development trend of the industrial energy industries and energy under the influence of the Internet the main parties and coping strategies, to promote energy market of global energy development of the Internet to provide reference.
【作者单位】: 潍坊学院;山东大学经济学院;全球能源互联网(山东)协同创新中心;
【基金】:国家电网公司全国招标项目“国家电网全球能源互联网构建中宏观战略关键问题研究”(项目编号:SGSDDK00KJJS1600067) 教育部基金项目“我国过剩产能‘走出去’的优先序及路径——基于异质性企业实物期权博弈的视角”(项目编号:15YJA790040) 山东省自然科学基金项目“基于国内产业链与全球价值链耦合的山东省装备制造业升级路径研究”(项目编号:ZR2014GM017)的阶段性研究成果
【正文快照】: (1)刘振亚:《全球能源互联网》,中国电力出版社2015年版,第204-209页。(2)RIFKIN J.The third industrial revolution:how lateral power is transforming energy,the economy,and the world[M].New York:PalgraveMac Millan,2011:123-128.一、引言及文献回顾(一)引言全球能源,