本文关键词: 线上供应链金融 汽车产业 信用风险 BP神经网络 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of informatization, supply chain finance has gradually opened its "on-line" revolution, which is based on the collaborative development of informatization, electronization and platformization. Between the real industry supply chain and the financial industry, there is a new trend of financing business of small and medium-sized enterprises. On the one hand, the automobile industry is the key industry in our country, which accounts for a large proportion of the gross national product (GNP). On the other hand, automobile industry chain is more mature and perfect, with the rapid development of automobile industry. The problem of financing difficulty of small and medium-sized enterprises represented by parts suppliers and automobile dealers in the upstream and downstream of automobile industry chain is becoming more and more obvious, which is different from the traditional banking and supply chain financial business. As more participants in online supply chain financial business, the corresponding risk factors will be more complex, thus increasing the degree of credit risk faced by commercial banks and evaluation difficulties. This paper takes this as the research background. Take the automobile industry as the representative, carries on the systematic research to the on-line supply chain finance credit risk. This paper starts with the theory and practice of online supply chain finance and automotive industry online supply chain finance. This paper systematically studies the concept and characteristics of credit risk of supply chain finance in automobile industry line, the causes of credit risk and the characteristics of credit risk evaluation method, and compares several common credit risk evaluation methods. On the basis of analyzing its advantages and disadvantages and applicability, BP neural network is selected as the evaluation method of this paper. 50 primary risk evaluation indicators were selected, and through correlation analysis, the expert scoring method from the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the selection of the above primary indicators, after analysis and selection. Finally, the risk evaluation system including 25 indexes is constructed. In the part of constructing and implementing the risk evaluation model of BP neural network, the principle, algorithm and steps of BP neural network are explained. Through the distribution of questionnaires to the relevant staff of a commercial bank in Beijing, 12 valid data were obtained, and the structure and function of BP neural network model were analyzed. Finally, the establishment of the relevant parameters completes the construction of the credit risk assessment model. The collected data is normalized, and three groups of data are randomly selected as validation samples and the rest as training samples. The validity of the model is verified by building a good model, and the simulation results are basically consistent with the validation sample data. It is proved that the model is accurate and effective, which can be used as a good reference for the credit risk evaluation of commercial banks and small and medium-sized enterprises in the online supply chain financial business.
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