本文关键词: 长春市 区域经济 产业转型 经济增长 出处:《吉林大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the economic construction of Changchun has made remarkable achievements, and the industry has been continuously transformed and upgraded. However, the historical accumulation of the traditional old industrial bases has to a certain extent delayed the transformation of the industrial structure and the upgrading of the leading industries in Changchun. However, in the period of the rise of the world new industrial revolution and the construction of the new industrial system in our country, the northeast economy has a precipitous recession, and it is urgent for Changchun to accelerate the industrial transformation. Most of the researches on the industrial transformation of Changchun are qualitative analysis or only aimed at a specific industrial sector, but there is little quantitative analysis of the industrial transformation and economic growth in the whole city. Starting with the theory of sustainable development, this paper combs the domestic and foreign research, redefines the connotation of industrial transformation, and analyzes the causes, influencing factors and main ways of industrial transformation. This paper discusses the interaction mechanism between industrial transformation and regional economic growth. During the process of industrial development in the three stages of reform and opening up and deepening reform and opening up, the industrial transformation of Changchun has been going on slowly. It includes not only the adjustment of industrial structure from "213" to "231", but also the transformation of leading industries from automobile to automobile, agricultural products processing and rail passenger cars. At the same time, optoelectronic information, biomedicine, Six major strategic emerging industries, such as new energy, new materials, building materials and advanced equipment manufacturing, are developing rapidly, and the basic framework of the new industrial system has been preliminarily constructed. From the angle of industrial technology and industrial system, this paper analyzes the relationship between Changchun's industrial development and economic growth, and summarizes the characteristics of Changchun's industrial development: first, the industrial system is not perfect enough, The degree of economic correlation between industries within the industrial system is relatively low. Second, economic growth is excessively dependent on leading industries. Moreover, although automobile manufacturing, agricultural products processing industry and rail passenger cars are all leading industries, the internal structure is also seriously out of balance. Third, the industrial structure is still unreasonable, the correlation degree between the three industries is not high, the tertiary industry is still not developed, and it needs to be promoted. Based on a large number of basic data and multiple measurement models, we make detailed analysis and quantitative analysis on the industrial structure of Changchun, and analyze the relationship between the speed of industrial transformation, the dynamic factors, and the speed and quality of economic growth. The regression equation of industrial development and economic growth in Changchun is obtained by constructing a multivariate linear regression model. It is found that the output value elasticity of secondary industry in the growth of GDP is the highest. Finally, based on theoretical and empirical research, This paper probes into the problems and causes of Changchun's industrial development, analyzes on the macro environment, opportunities and challenges of Changchun's industrial development, and puts forward the countermeasures of Changchun's industrial transformation from three aspects: first, Build a new industrial system; second, choose the effective carrier of transformation; third, create a good development environment.
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