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发布时间:2018-04-05 13:31

  本文选题:产业升级 切入点:新结构经济学 出处:《经济评论》2017年03期

[Abstract]:Based on the theory of neoclassical production function and utility function, a mathematical model is established under the framework of new structural economics to explain the different regions of Chinese factor endowment structure heterogeneity in the past historical period.The industrial policy intervention mechanism and various distorting inducements behind the industrial upgrading focus on China at the present stage and analyze how to realize the development of low-carbon green industry in China.The main conclusions include: (1) Factor endowment structure, industrial policy, factor price and so on are the main factors that affect the success of industrial upgrading.All kinds of distortions are caused by the mismatch between the target of industrial upgrading and the structure of factor endowments. At present, the government in China, adhering to the concept of green development, formulates industrial policies that match the endowment of energy technology.China should follow the comparative advantages of various regions, adapt measures to local conditions and guide the situation in order to eliminate all kinds of distortions when formulating industrial policies to support the development of low carbon green industries in favor of the increase of total social welfare. (3) when China formulates industrial policies to support the development of low-carbon green industries, it should follow the comparative advantages of various regions, adapt measures to local conditions, and guide the situation.
【作者单位】: 东南大学经济与管理学院;南京信息工程大学数学与统计学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重大招标项目“我国产业生态经济系统优化及运行机制研究”(项目编号:12&ZD207) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于产业-生态网络活动共生优化的迁移集群绿色重建与运行机制研究”(项目编号:71273047);国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于资源嵌入-流动-聚合网络重构的蜕变期企业转型研究”(项目编号:71172044) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究重大项目(项目编号:2014ZDAXM002)的资助


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