本文选题:产业结构 + 结构转型动力 ; 参考:《宏观经济研究》2017年10期
[Abstract]:By constructing a three-sector non-equilibrium growth model including agriculture, industry and service industry, this paper quantitatively analyzes the influence of Engel effect, Baumer effect and capital deepening effect on the industrial structure transformation in China. Numerical simulation analysis shows that since the reform and opening up, the contribution rate of capital deepening effect to the decrease of agricultural proportion in China is 69.5%, the contribution rate of Engel effect to the increase of service industry proportion has reached 66.3%, and the contribution of Baumer effect to the transformation of industrial structure is very small. At the same time, with the evolution of economic and social development and reform in China, the contribution rate of Engel effect to the transformation of industrial structure is declining, and the contribution rate of Baumer effect rises first and then decreases, and reaches its peak in the 1990s. The contribution rate of capital deepening effect is on the rise. This means that in the short term, our country still needs to rely on investment to promote the capital deepening adjustment structure, while in the medium and long term, we need to promote the transformation of industrial structure by promoting the steady growth of residents' income and technological innovation respectively.
【作者单位】: 国家发展改革委经济研究所;
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