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发布时间:2018-06-07 18:59

  本文选题:数字出版产业 + 结构调整优化 ; 参考:《哈尔滨商业大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The digital publishing industry is the product of the collision and amalgamation of the "Internet" and the traditional publishing industry of our country, and with the Internet and high and new technology, it constantly impacts on people's life and study field. Digital publishing industry as a new industry has become a new economic growth point of China's publishing industry. Although the development scale of digital publishing industry in our country is getting larger and larger, gradually stepping into the growing period from infantile period, but its development environment is becoming more and more complicated, we must soberly identify the industry after many years of accumulation. Faced with the bottleneck problem and improve the quality, the important measure of upgrading is to adjust and optimize the industrial structure. Through finding out the standard of structure optimization of digital publishing industry in our country, combining the quantitative analysis of influencing factors, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for adjusting and optimizing, so that the structure layout is more favorable to the development of digital publishing industry. Further promote the prosperity and development of the publishing industry. First of all, this paper analyzes the overall situation and structure of the digital publishing industry in China. It is clear that with the rapid development of the digital publishing industry in China, the structure of the digital publishing industry is facing a serious phenomenon of long tail. The transformation of traditional publishing industry has not been successful and so on. Secondly, this paper selects the coordination and order of China's industrial structure as the standard to measure the merits and demerits of the structure, and compares the information entropy of digital publishing industry structure with the information entropy of China's industrial structure. It reflects that the coordination and order of the evolution process of the digital publishing industry structure is much worse than that of our country's industrial structure, and it still needs to be adjusted and optimized continuously. Thirdly, select the factors that affect the adjustment of the digital publishing industry structure, including the digital market demand, digital publishing technology, digital publishing industry policy support, digital publishing industry supply and service, The import and export trade of digital publishing products and the weight ranking of its influencing factors are measured by analytic hierarchy process. The results show that among the factors affecting the adjustment of the structure of digital publishing industry in China, The digital publishing technology and the digital publishing industry supply service weight is big. Synthesizing the above analysis results, it is proposed that the digital publishing industry should give full play to the long tail advantages of the digital publishing industry, speed up the digital transformation of the traditional publishing industry, adjust the structure of the digital publishing industry in China, rely on technological innovation, and take supply as the motive force. To optimize the structure of China's digital publishing industry with government industrial policy as the guarantee and import and export trade as the starting point. The study on the adjustment and optimization of the structure of digital publishing industry in China has practical significance for the sustained economic growth of the digital publishing industry in China, and at the same time promotes the acceleration of the integration of the traditional publishing industry and the Internet. It provides a new way of economic growth for the whole publishing industry of our country, and through the research of optimizing the structure adjustment of digital publishing industry in our country, it has theoretical reference value for formulating the development strategy of digital publishing industry of our country.


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