[Abstract]:Shanxi Province is one of the main producing places of walnut in China. It has a long history of planting and possesses the natural conditions, economic conditions, social conditions and the conditions for the large-scale development of the existing industry. Due to the improvement of modern living standard and the improvement of people's understanding of walnut economic value, walnut is very popular in the national market, and the demand is increasing, which leads to the price rising continuously. Since the reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in the rural economic system and structure of our country. However, there are still many problems and difficulties in the system, technology and policy of traditional agricultural products in our country, and walnut industry is no exception. In recent years, Puxian has stepped up its efforts to develop the walnut industry. After a period of time when walnut was planted on a large scale, and the corresponding industries, the planting situation of the pecan industry in Puxian has already taken on a certain scale. By 2015, the total area of walnut cultivation was more than 90,000 mu, but the overall benefit and quality of walnut was not high. Based on the survey data from 2011 to 2015, this paper studies the walnut industry in Puxian County, including natural resources, walnut planting, deep processing of walnut, and the construction of walnut brand, based on the survey data from 2011 to 2015. The present situation of walnut industry development in Puxian County was introduced in five aspects of walnut benefit. Based on the understanding of the present situation of walnut industry, this paper summarizes the problems existing in the organization, technology, market and policy of the walnut industry in Puxian County, and expounds the corresponding development countermeasures in combination with the actual situation in Puxian County. To provide theoretical and technical support for the future development of walnut industry in Puxian. In this paper, the development of walnut industry in Puxian is studied.
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