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发布时间:2018-11-20 18:56
[Abstract]:The global value chain, the strategic emerging industry and the industrial cluster are the focus of the current economic and social concern. The strategic emerging industry is the important industry to drive the rapid development of our economy. It is the engine of promoting regional economic growth, and the industrial cluster has become an important organizational form of its development. With the advancement of science and technology, international division of labor and global integration of economy, the current economic and social competition is becoming more and more intense. The industrial activity caused by the global value chain is more conducive to the formation of regional agglomeration, thus better driving the regional industry to cluster and develop. With the development of the economic development strategy of the one-way, the supply-side structural reform and the rise of the central part of the current economic and new normal state, Anhui Province, as the new region of the new round of reform and opening-up in China, is one of the key development provinces of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, The development of the strategic emerging industry cluster under the global value chain is of great importance to the current Anhui, because the current development of the strategic emerging industry in Anhui is still in the low-end link of the value chain in the global division of labor, the acquisition value is low, the profit is small, How to break the low-end lock dilemma, to foster the strategic emerging industry cluster, make it actively and effectively embedded in the global value chain, is an important issue to be solved urgently to realize the regional economic revitalization and to create the rise of regional economic upgrading, At the same time, it is an important means for the local government to effectively develop the local economy of the regional local economy. Therefore, it is necessary to further study the development of the strategic emerging industry cluster in Anhui under the view of the global value chain. so as to better realize the rapid development of the regional local economy. Based on the introduction of the background and significance of the research, the present situation and problems of the development of the strategic emerging industries in Anhui under the global value chain are discussed, and the development is not balanced, and the industry and the region have a great difference. The cluster industry is mostly in the low-end part of the global value chain, the added value of the product is low, the government, the trade association, the enterprise are not in cooperation, the lack of the effective power to upgrade the cluster, and the like; and secondly, on the basis of the global value chain theory, The factors that affect the development of the strategic emerging industries in Anhui are summarized from the aspects of international and domestic factors, including the global value chain dynamic mechanism, the global value chain governance model, the global industrial division of labor, the enterprise factors, the government factors and the trade association, etc.; and again, By selecting the case of three strategic emerging industries in Anhui and the comparison between the cases, the paper analyzes how these factors affect the development of the strategic emerging industries in Anhui, and finally, based on the global value chain, Through the research and analysis of the present situation, existing problems, influencing factors and specific cases of the development of the strategic emerging industries in Anhui, this paper puts forward the policy suggestions for the optimization and development of the strategic emerging industries in Anhui. The innovation of this paper mainly includes the following three points: first, the introduction of the global value chain theory is a practical tool. In the past research, most of the scholars are based on the theory of global value chain or the theory of industrial cluster to analyze the causes, influence factors and paths of the development of the cluster. The paper discusses the development of the cluster of strategic emerging industries in Anhui. Second, the analysis summarizes the type of global value chain power mechanism to which China's seven major strategic emerging industries belong. In addition to the new generation of information technology industry and new energy automobile industry, the other five strategic emerging industries are producer-driven, Based on the three strategic emerging industries, this paper puts forward the corresponding cluster development and upgrade path. Thirdly, based on the view of global value chain and the practice of the cluster of the strategic emerging industries in Anhui, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions to help the development of the strategic emerging industries in Anhui under the global value chain through the comparative analysis of three specific cases.


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