发布时间:2019-05-21 17:12
【摘要】:作为云南省一大新兴的支柱型产业,翡翠饰品在珠宝玉石产业中占据很大比重。尽管目前云南珠宝玉石产业已初具规模,呈现良好的发展态势,但是由于翡翠饰品价值影响因素和复杂性和价格的不确定性,使得消费者对翡翠饰品的质量和价格难以进行准确的判断,市场上翡翠饰品仍然存在鱼龙混杂、价格虚高的现象高,消费者难以买到放心的翡翠饰品。翡翠饰品的上述问题严重影响了云南省珠宝玉石行业以及相关辐射产业如旅游业、金融的发展。如何改善目前存在的翡翠饰品质量等级与价格不相匹配的问题,改进云南省翡翠饰品质量等级评定标准,促进翡翠饰品行业规范化、标准化、透明化发展,是一个值得探讨和研究的课题。本文首先运用解释结构模型对翡翠饰品价值影响因素之间的相互关系进行分析,构建因素间的层级关系模型,其次运用相关性分析分析翡翠手镯价值影响因素与价格的相关性,找出了翡翠手镯价格与价值影响因素之间的相关性大小依次为:总分综合印象透明度颜色质地工艺净度;最后,通过回归模型的模拟和预测,找出翡翠手镯价格与价值影响因素的回归模型:拟合度R2最高的两种回归模型分别是指数模型和幂函数模型,两者的拟合度R2分别为和0.867和0.903,模型的方程式分别为 :y=3E-12(x1+X2+x3+x4+X5+x6)6.49和y=1154.e0.012(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6);并且,质地与透明度之间存在拟合度很高的相关关系,他们之间的关系模型可以用多项式模型y=-0.052x2+7.398x-4.061、线性模型y=4.400x+30.91或者对数模型y=101.01n(x)-171.7表示,拟合度分别为0.763、0.748和0.727。最后,结合目前云南省翡翠饰品行业发展的问题提出针对性的意见和建议。第一部分首先对云南省翡翠饰品行业发展概况进行简要的描述,阐述了本次研究的研究目的、研究的理论意义和现实意义以及研究方法。第二部分对目前国内外关于奢侈品、珠宝玉石、翡翠饰品的价值与价格的研究现状和研究成果进行了总结和概括,明确了翡翠饰品、珠宝玉石、奢侈品三者从价值属性的角度存在的隶属关系。通过第三部分的相关理论介绍和梳理,阐述了翡翠饰品的价值构成以及价值研究的意义。第四部分从理论的角度,通过文献研究总结了翡翠质量影响因素相互关系,并运用解释结构模型构建影响因素之间的层级关系模型,为后文的实证研究做好了理论铺垫。第五部分从数学分析的角度对价格与价值影响因素间的关系进行了分析研究,运用实证研究的方法分析各因素与价格的相关性,并运用回归模型模拟价格与价值影响因素之间的关系模型。第六部分为意见和建议部分,在理论和实证研究的基础上,通过对目前云南省翡翠饰品行业的发展现状,提出了针对性的意见和建议。第七部分对本次研究的创新点以及不足进行了总结和概括,并提出研究展望。
[Abstract]:As a new pillar industry in Yunnan Province, emerald jewelry occupies a large proportion in jewelry and jade industry. Although Yunnan jewelry and jade industry has begun to take shape and presents a good development trend, due to the influencing factors and complexity of jadeite jewelry value and the uncertainty of price, It is difficult for consumers to judge the quality and price of emerald ornaments accurately. There is still a mixture of fish and dragons in the market, the phenomenon of false high price is high, and it is difficult for consumers to buy reassuring emerald ornaments. The above problems of emerald ornaments have seriously affected the development of jewelry and jade industry and related radiation industries such as tourism and finance in Yunnan Province. How to improve the problem that the quality grade and price of emerald jewelry do not match at present, improve the evaluation standard of quality grade of jadeite jewelry in Yunnan Province, and promote the standardization, standardization and transparency development of jadeite jewelry industry. It is a topic worthy of discussion and study. In this paper, the relationship between the influencing factors of jadeite jewelry value is analyzed by using the explanatory structure model, and the hierarchical relationship model between the factors is constructed. Secondly, the correlation between the influencing factors of jadeite bracelet value and the price is analyzed by correlation. The correlation between the price of emerald bracelet and the influencing factors of value was found out as follows: the total score comprehensive impression transparency color texture cleanliness; Finally, through the simulation and prediction of the regression model, the regression model of the influencing factors of the price and value of emerald bracelet is found out: the two regression models with the highest fitting degree R2 are exponential model and power function model, respectively. The fitting degrees of R2 and 0.903 were 0.867 and 0.903, respectively, and the equations of the model were as follows: y=3E-12 (x1xx3 x3x5 x6) 6.49 and y=1154.e0.012 (x1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6); Moreover, there is a high correlation between texture and transparency, and the relationship model between them can be used y=-0.052x2 7.398x 鈮,
[Abstract]:As a new pillar industry in Yunnan Province, emerald jewelry occupies a large proportion in jewelry and jade industry. Although Yunnan jewelry and jade industry has begun to take shape and presents a good development trend, due to the influencing factors and complexity of jadeite jewelry value and the uncertainty of price, It is difficult for consumers to judge the quality and price of emerald ornaments accurately. There is still a mixture of fish and dragons in the market, the phenomenon of false high price is high, and it is difficult for consumers to buy reassuring emerald ornaments. The above problems of emerald ornaments have seriously affected the development of jewelry and jade industry and related radiation industries such as tourism and finance in Yunnan Province. How to improve the problem that the quality grade and price of emerald jewelry do not match at present, improve the evaluation standard of quality grade of jadeite jewelry in Yunnan Province, and promote the standardization, standardization and transparency development of jadeite jewelry industry. It is a topic worthy of discussion and study. In this paper, the relationship between the influencing factors of jadeite jewelry value is analyzed by using the explanatory structure model, and the hierarchical relationship model between the factors is constructed. Secondly, the correlation between the influencing factors of jadeite bracelet value and the price is analyzed by correlation. The correlation between the price of emerald bracelet and the influencing factors of value was found out as follows: the total score comprehensive impression transparency color texture cleanliness; Finally, through the simulation and prediction of the regression model, the regression model of the influencing factors of the price and value of emerald bracelet is found out: the two regression models with the highest fitting degree R2 are exponential model and power function model, respectively. The fitting degrees of R2 and 0.903 were 0.867 and 0.903, respectively, and the equations of the model were as follows: y=3E-12 (x1xx3 x3x5 x6) 6.49 and y=1154.e0.012 (x1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6); Moreover, there is a high correlation between texture and transparency, and the relationship model between them can be used y=-0.052x2 7.398x 鈮,