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发布时间:2019-06-13 09:01
[Abstract]:With the success of Silicon Valley, countries all over the world have sprung up the upsurge of building high-tech zones. In 1988, China joined the ranks and set up the first high-tech zone in Zhongguancun, Beijing. After more than 20 years of development, the number of national high-tech zones in China has reached 114 by the end of 2013. The success of high-tech zone, on the one hand, brings a steady stream of technology, talents and other resources to the regional economic development, on the other hand, it plays a leading role in promoting the process of marketization and promoting economic transformation. However, with the higher requirements of the new normal of economy, the double challenges from the external market and the internal structure gradually restrict the further development of high-tech zones in China, which exposes more and more problems in the construction of high-tech zones. In the face of the current development dilemma, it is necessary to study how to improve the competitiveness of high-tech zones, and this paper is based on this purpose. As the carrier of industrial cluster, the competitiveness of high-tech zone is shown through the competitiveness of industrial cluster, so this paper intends to study the way to enhance the competitiveness of high-tech zone from the perspective of industrial cluster. Through combing the related theories of industrial clusters and high-tech zones, the basic research framework and comprehensive evaluation system of the competitiveness promotion path of high-tech zones are constructed. In the aspect of promoting the competitiveness of high-tech zones, starting from the influencing factors of industrial cluster competitiveness, this paper further explores the internal relationship between the advantage effect of industrial clusters and the competitiveness of high-tech zones. It is found that industrial clusters have three advantages: network organization advantage, learning innovation advantage and social capital advantage. On this basis, the competitiveness of high-tech zone is affected by cost effect, cooperation complementary effect, external economic effect and technological innovation effect. In the aspect of comprehensive evaluation, according to the research of domestic and foreign scholars on the evaluation index of high-tech zone competitiveness and the evaluation index of high-tech zone promulgated by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China in 2013, this paper constructs an objective and reasonable comprehensive evaluation model, among which there are four primary indicators (technological innovation ability, structural optimization ability, international competitiveness ability, sustainable development ability) and 20 secondary indicators. In the empirical part, through the comprehensive analysis, it can be seen that the comprehensive development level of Beijing Zhongguancun, Chengdu High-tech Zone, Hefei High-tech Zone and Shanghai Zhangjiang demonstration Zone is in the top four, and the international competitiveness occupies the largest weight in the standard layer. Through systematic cluster analysis, it is found that most of the high-tech zones in China are still in a weak position of development, and the high-tech zones with good development level are less than 1 / 10 of the national high-tech zones, and the first, second and third types of high-tech zones are mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River Economic Zone, the Pearl River Delta, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Economic Circle and the economically more developed cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In order to enhance the competitiveness of high-tech zones in different development stages, the fifth chapter selects three high-tech zones with similar development situation and makes promotion path analysis. The influencing factors to promote the development of high-tech zones include location choice, talent base, investment environment, cultural atmosphere, government support, international cooperation and so on. Considering that the high-tech zones with poor development situation will generally go through a complete stage of development and face more problems than the high-tech zones with better development, this paper puts forward eight ways to improve the development of high-tech zones from the perspective of integrity.


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