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发布时间:2019-06-15 13:45
[Abstract]:In the development of regional economy in our country, industrial cluster has become the main development mode and important way in China because of its geographical concentration, specialization of division of labor, network of inter-enterprise relations and enterprise root. Although the development model of industrial cluster has made remarkable achievements in our country, there are still many shortcomings in how to improve and maintain the core competitiveness of industrial cluster for a long time. The research on the competitiveness of industrial clusters is an important topic in academic circles at present. On the basis of combing the theory of industrial cluster at home and abroad and the theory of industrial cluster competitiveness, this paper analyzes the connotation of industrial cluster competitiveness. At the same time, the main influencing factors affecting the competitiveness of industrial clusters are analyzed. On this basis, considering the scientific principle of design evaluation index, the principle of systematic comprehensiveness, the principle of combining qualitative and quantitative, the principle of practicability, the principle of comparability and the principle of dynamics, from the cluster scale of Yulin magnesium industrial cluster, the competitiveness of cluster market, the efficiency of cluster and the ability of cluster innovation, Five aspects, such as cluster function, were selected to study the competitiveness of magnesium industrial cluster in Yulin City. In the application of industrial cluster competitiveness evaluation, the principal component analysis method is used to construct the evaluation model of magnesium industrial cluster competitiveness in Yulin City, which can avoid the subjective arbitrariness of the evaluation index weight and the correlation of the original statistical data, and the adverse effects of overlap on the evaluation results. The results of empirical research show that from 2009 to 2013, the competitiveness of magnesium industrial cluster in Yulin City is increasing obviously, but there are still many weak links in the development. At the same time, the empirical study verifies the feasibility of applying principal component analysis and the rationality of designing evaluation index system. The results of this empirical study are not only helpful for Yulin municipal government to take targeted measures to enhance the core competitiveness of magnesium industrial clusters, but also have theoretical reference and guidance for the follow-up research on the evaluation of industrial cluster competitiveness.


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