[Abstract]:Science and technology are the first productive forces. Historically, science and technology has played a great role in promoting and promoting the development of the world economy, especially with the arrival of the fourth industrial revolution, the development of science and technology has entered a new stage. In the process of economic growth and economic development, scientific and technological progress, as its endogenous variable, plays a more and more important role, and its position in the economic development of various countries is becoming more and more prominent. Therefore, science and technology play a decisive role in industrial competitiveness, and the key to improve industrial competitiveness and even national competitiveness is to improve industrial scientific and technological competitiveness. Therefore, this paper mainly starts from the source of industrial science and technology competitiveness, that is, competition, summarizes what methods Chinese scholars mainly use, from which aspects to study industrial competitiveness and make a systematic analysis of industrial science and technology competitiveness. On the basis of these studies, this paper explores new theories and methods that can comprehensively and systematically evaluate the competitiveness of industry science and technology.
【作者单位】: 南开大学经济与社会发展研究院与中国科学技术发展战略研究院联合博士后工作站;
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