畜牧产业经济理论框架研究 Study on economic theory frame of animal husbandry industry
作者:邢欣 作者本人请参看权利申明
As the economy grows increasingly, animal husbandry gradually become the main pillars of the main house, the ancient agriculture farmers income. Animal husbandry, healthy and continuous growth, not only for agricultural supply more inorganic fertilizer and productive forces, promote agricultural growth and transformation of the citizen of our country food composition, improve the comprehensive national strength. Animal husbandry as agricultural dominant belongings, to give of animal husbandry and highly valued, is at this stage of the new rural construction of main content, is the comprehensive construction well-off society's important guarantee. Real need to promote the animal husbandry belongings economics muster and growth, superstitious livestock belongings economics theoretical framework system, beneficial to master the growth of animal husbandry economy bias, guess the animal husbandry economic growth trend, animal husbandry economy growth provides guidance. Is to construct animal husbandry belongings real economic framework and for the development of animal husbandry economics growth and animal husbandry belongings economic growth has important practical significance. This paper first analyzes the growth of economy of animal husbandry and belongings practical background and the related aspects of the research, the vast subject with western economics, belongings economics, development economics reality, based on asset evaluation, financial management, civilization belongings growth, land economics to do actual disciplinary framework forms, analyzes the animal husbandry belongings economic practical framework of composition elements and the logical relation. Then from the tissue of animal husbandry and possessions, possessions structure of animal husbandry, animal husbandry belongings structure, animal husbandry belongings contact relationship will each department of animal husbandry inorganic approached up, animal husbandry belongings system of organization, focuses on the analysis of the market structure, market action, market performance, and approached the reality from point of view of the function, type and innovative analysis of the choice of organizational form of animal husbandry belongings. Animal husbandry industrial structure to market of livestock products, animal products cost two aspects as the influence factor of animal husbandry industrial structure adjustment, to breed structure, type structure and herd structure stop the system analysis. Animal husbandry belongings construction department the first overview of the growth process in several belongings structure form, from the natural identity, social identity, and identity stop the influencing factor analysis, combined with meat, egg and poultry, livestock and poultry breeding field itself characteristics described the growth in existing achievements and if he stopped scientific and reasonable structure. Animal husbandry belongings association from prenatal breeding and production in slaughter processing, postpartum smooth sales and other links introduced animal belongings chain coherent segments of the economy benefit assignment grades, modern society on the of animal products quality safety put forward higher request, animal husbandry belongings informatization construction and personnel support. Initially combined livestock industry development status and people hope, summarizes the animal husbandry belongings growth and policy and medium livestock belongings policy important livestock industrial structure policy, belongings organization policy, belongings structure policy and belongings cover policy contains.
摘要4-5Abstract5-61 导言10-19 1.1 研究背景及意义10-11 1.1.1 研究背景10-11 1.1.2 研究意义11 1.2 国内外研究现状11-15 1.2.1 国外研究现状11-13 1.2.2 国内研究现状13-15 1.2.3 对国内外研究的评价15 1.3 研究思路和方法15-18 1.3.1 研究思路15-18 1.3.2 研究方法18 1.4 创新点18-192 畜牧产业经济理论框架的构建19-25 2.1 畜牧产业经济理论构建基础19-21 2.1.1 产业组织理论19 2.1.2 产业结构理论19-20 2.1.3 产业关联理论20 2.1.4 产业融合理论20 2.1.5 产业发展理论20-21 2.2 构成要素及逻辑关系21-25 2.2.1 畜牧经济学基本理论21-23 2.2.2 理论框架构建原则23 2.2.3 要素结构梳理23-253 畜牧产业组织25-30 3.1 畜牧产业组织体系25-27 3.1.1 市场结构分析25-26 3.1.2 市场行为分析26 3.1.3 市场绩效分析26-27 3.2 企业规模经济27-28 3.3 畜牧产业组织模式28-30 3.3.1 功能和类型28 3.3.2 选择与创新28-304 畜牧产业结构30-37 4.1 产业结构调整的理论基础30-31 4.1.1 比较优势理论30 4.1.2 要素禀赋学说30-31 4.2 畜牧产业结构调整的影响因素31-32 4.2.1 畜产品市场31 4.2.2 畜产品消费31-32 4.3 畜牧业结构分析32-35 4.3.1 畜种结构32-33 4.3.2 品种结构33-34 4.3.3 畜群结构34-35 4.4 畜牧产业结构调整35-37 4.4.1 发展与调整原则35 4.4.2 发展与调整目标35-36 4.4.3 发展与调整内容36-375 畜牧产业布局37-42 5.1 产业布局模式37-38 5.1.1 增长极布局模式37 5.1.2 点轴布局模式37 5.1.3 网络(或块状)布局模式37-38 5.1.4 区域梯度开发与转移模式38 5.2 影响产业布局的主要因素38-40 5.2.1 自然因素38-39 5.2.2 社会因素39 5.2.3 科技因素39-40 5.3 畜牧业布局分析40-42 5.3.1 肉禽区域布局40 5.3.2 蛋禽区域布局40-41 5.3.3 畜禽养殖(场)区域布局41-426 畜牧产业关联42-47 6.1 畜牧产业经济效益42-43 6.1.1 养殖业42 6.1.2 屠宰加工企业42-43 6.1.3 流通销售环节43 6.2 畜产品质量安全43-44 6.2.1 畜产品质量安全现状与分析43-44 6.2.2 畜产品质量安全问题的原因分析44 6.3 信息化建设和人才建设44-47 6.3.1 畜牧业信息化建设44-45 6.3.2 畜牧业人才建设45-477 畜牧产业发展与政策47-49 7.1 畜牧产业发展47 7.2 畜牧产业政策47-49 7.2.1 畜牧产业结构政策47-48 7.2.2 畜牧产业组织政策48 7.2.3 畜牧产业布局政策48 7.2.4 畜牧产业环境保护政策48-49参考文献49-52在校期间发表论文目录52-53作者简介53-54致谢54-55