environmental regulation economic growth regional disparity
Research on the Regional Disparity of Relationship between the Environmental Regulation and Economic Growth in China: An Empirical Study Based on Three Industries of Eastern,
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WANG Peng GAO Yan- ling - li
Abstr:This article will divide the growth of regional economy into tries, which is well reflected in our empirical study of the environmental economic growth of the three indus- regulation on the growth effects of three sectors in the eastern, middle, and western parts of China through establishing an panel data model of 30 provincial regions from 2001 to 2010. There is an obvious disparity on the effects of environmental regulation on the three industries. The influence of environmental regulation on the secondary growth in the western re- gion is positive and that is also on secondary and tertiary industries growth in the eastern and middle regions. There is no significant effect not only on the first industry growth in eastern and middle of China, but also on the first and tertiary industries. Therefore, it is necessary to take some effective measures to promote the coor- dinated development.
Keyword::environmental regulation economic growth regional disparity panel data
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