本文关键词: 滑坡 地震动参数 非饱和三轴试验 黄土损伤 强度参数 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of the western region, the scale of the infrastructure in the Loess Plateau has been gradually expanded in recent years, which is also affected by the factors of agricultural irrigation, rainfall, earthquake and so on. The occurrence frequency of loess landslide increases unabated. Earthquake causes slope rock and soil mass damage, loosening, cracking, and easy to produce new landslide under the action of post-earthquake rainfall and other factors. This has been confirmed by the earthquake disaster areas such as landslides, landslides, debris flows and other frequent phenomena after the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake on 2008. Many areas of the Loess Plateau are in high-intensity earthquake fortification areas. There have been strong earthquakes such as Huaxian earthquake in Shaanxi and Haiyuan earthquake in Ningxia in history. Therefore, the damage and deterioration law of loess strength and deformation performance after vibration load disturbance has been studied. It is very important to analyze the hazard of post-earthquake secondary loess landslide and to take corresponding measures for disaster prevention and mitigation. In this paper, the original loess in Xi'an area is taken as the test object. The small shaking table is used to simulate the simplified cyclic vertical seismic load on the original loess disturbance test, and on the basis of the previous work, theoretical analysis and experimental research are carried out. Some achievements with theoretical reference value and practical application significance have been obtained, aiming at cementation and macroporous structure of undisturbed loess particles. It is easy to cause structural damage and reduce the strength under cyclic load. The cyclic load of small shaking table is used to simulate the earthquake load to the disturbance frequency and displacement amplitude. Under the premise of controlling two of the parameters, the variation of the other parameter is controlled, and the stress-strain relationship of loess under different disturbance states is obtained by unsaturated triaxial test. The relationship between strain and body deformation, matrix suction and shear strength are studied, and the influence of disturbance parameters on the strength and deformation of loess is discussed. The experimental results show the disturbance frequency. The changes of displacement amplitude and vibration duration have different degrees of influence on the damage of loess structure, and show different influence law: 1) with the increase of disturbance parameter value. Both the initial suction and the final suction at the end of shear will decrease; 2) disturbance parameters have little effect on the stress-strain relationship and residual strength of soil samples after failure; (3) the influence of frequency on the cohesion and yield strain of loess is in the form of power function, the law of influence on the peak value of deviant stress is logarithmic, and the influence on the angle of internal friction is linear. (4) the effect of amplitude on the peak stress of loess is logarithmic, and on yield strain, cohesive force and angle of internal friction is power function. 5). The influence of duration of time on the stress-strain relationship and strength parameters of loess shows a linear change trend. The content of this paper is to deeply study the influence of ground motion parameters on the mechanical properties of loess and to analyze the post-disaster macroscopically in the future. The safety of secondary disasters and slope stability provide reference basis.
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