本文关键词: 高层建筑 动力时程 隔震支座 提离模型 出处:《世界地震工程》2016年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, a large scale general software Abaqus is used to analyze the dynamic history of isolation of a high-rise building, and the isolation support adopts the equal stiffness (equal stiffness model). The elastic and elastoplastic time history responses of isolated structure system under three kinds of support models are compared, including the displacement angle between the layers, and the three support models with unequal tensile stiffness (unequal stiffness model) and release tensile stiffness (lift off model). The results show that the response of the isolated system assuming the upper structure is elastic and that of the corresponding elastoplastic system is different from that of the corresponding elastoplastic system. It is suggested that the elastic-plastic model should be used in the analysis of rare earthquakes. (2) the bearing tensile force of the support iso-stiffness model and unequal stiffness model is obviously larger than the specified limit value in elastic analysis, and decreases in elastic-plastic analysis, but still larger than the normative limit value; The lifting model can avoid the tension of the bearing, but has little effect on the elastoplastic response of the superstructure, but has no effect on the horizontal response of the isolation layer.
【作者单位】: 北京建筑大学土木与交通工程学院;中国建筑标准设计研究院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金面上项目(51378047) 十二五国家科技支撑项目(2011BAJ08B03)
【正文快照】: 引言建筑隔震通过在建筑中设置柔性隔震层,减小地震能量向上部结构传递,降低上部结构的地震响应,提高其抗震安全性[1]。隔震技术在美国和日本得到广泛应用,国内正逐步推广,但由于隔震橡胶支座受拉问题没有得到有效解决,导致隔震技术在高层建筑,尤其是复杂高层建筑中的应用还不
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