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发布时间:2018-02-22 01:21

  本文关键词: 建筑工程 造价 质量 出处:《计算机仿真》2016年11期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:对建筑工程造价效益分配进行合理准确的控制,可以正确评价建筑工程的成本效益,避免建筑成本核算和效益分配走入误区。进行建筑工程造价效益分配控制时,需要对建筑工程造价效益进行合理预测,并对预测结果进行约束,传统方法利用建筑材料主成分分析方法构建造价预测和效益扩散模型,进行建筑工程造价效益分配控制,但缺少效益预测和约束环节,无法有效满足建筑标的质量量化Qo S调度的需求,降低了效益分配控制的效果。提出一种质量量化Qo S调度建筑工程造价效益分配优化控制模型。构建大型城市钢筋混凝土高层住宅建筑建筑工程造价效益预测模型,采用质量量化Qo S调度方法进行建筑工程造价效益预测约束均衡设计,最后采用自适应模糊系统学习控制方法建立建筑工程造价效益控制模型,仿真结果表明,采用上述模型能有效提高建筑质量量化分析水平,满足用户对建筑质量的需求的同时,提高工程造价的合理规划和预算能力,提高建筑施工效益。
[Abstract]:The reasonable and accurate control of the cost benefit distribution of the construction project can correctly evaluate the cost benefit of the construction project, avoid the misconception of the cost accounting and benefit distribution of the construction project, and control the distribution of the cost benefit of the construction project. It is necessary to reasonably forecast the cost benefit of the construction project and restrict the forecast result. The traditional method uses the principal component analysis method of the building material to construct the cost prediction and benefit diffusion model to control the distribution and control of the cost benefit of the construction project. However, due to the lack of benefit prediction and restriction, it can not meet the requirement of QOS scheduling effectively. In this paper, the effect of benefit distribution control is reduced. An optimal control model for quality quantification of Qos dispatching construction cost is proposed, and a model for predicting construction cost benefit of reinforced concrete high-rise residential building in large cities is constructed. The quality quantitative QoS scheduling method is used to design the constraint balance of construction project cost benefit prediction. Finally, the adaptive fuzzy system learning control method is used to establish the cost benefit control model of construction project. The simulation results show that, The above model can effectively improve the level of quantitative analysis of building quality, meet the needs of users for building quality, improve the reasonable planning and budget capacity of project cost, and improve the efficiency of construction.
【作者单位】: 南京林业大学土木工程学院;


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