本文选题:遗传算法 切入点:供水系统 出处:《长沙理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Urban water supply system is a very important urban infrastructure, and it also consumes huge energy and has high energy saving potential. Because of the complexity of water supply system, it involves a wide range of reasons. At present, there are many problems in the urban water supply system of our country, such as optimal dispatch of water supply, pipe network planning and so on, which result in the low utilization rate of energy. At the same time, the cost of water supply enterprises is also increased. In this paper, the energy saving research of urban water supply system is mainly based on the prediction of urban water consumption. The establishment of macroscopic model of water supply network and the optimal dispatching of water supply system are made up of three aspects. The optimal dispatch of urban water supply system is based on the accurate prediction of urban water consumption, and is also an important parameter for constructing the macroscopic model of water supply network. The accuracy of water consumption prediction is directly related to the reliability and accuracy of the whole urban water supply system. In this paper, the concept of model group is introduced in the prediction of urban water consumption, and the water consumption forecasting model is classified. The water supply network model is the hydraulic constraint condition for the optimal operation of the urban water supply system, which is closely related to the optimal regulation of the water supply network. The accuracy of establishing macroscopic model of water supply network has an important influence on the reliability and stability of optimal dispatching. In order to provide accurate data decision for the optimal operation of water supply system, a two-level optimal dispatching model of water supply system based on genetic algorithm is proposed. Genetic algorithm is used to include continuous and discrete variables. Among the models with equality and inequality constraints, compared with the traditional linear programming and dynamic programming methods, the constraints have the advantages of high computational efficiency and high precision. The practical genetic algorithm has a strong applicability in the optimal operation of the water supply system, and the global optimal solution is closer to the optimal solution. The first-order optimal scheduling model satisfies the water consumption and pressure of the users in the water supply system. Taking the minimum total power consumption as the objective function, the two-stage optimal dispatching model optimizes the pump of pump station or water plant on the basis of first-order dispatching model. Taking the minimum axial power as the objective function, the mathematical model is established. Through the optimization calculation of Changsha water supply system, the total energy saving rate is about 8%, which has strong applicability.
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