本文选题:岩石 切入点:冻融循环 出处:《西安科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:China is one of the countries with the largest area distribution in cold regions in the world. The area of permanent and seasonal frozen soil accounts for about 3 / 4 of the total land area of China. With the increasing construction of cold region projects in China, a series of frozen and thawed rock problems have appeared. Therefore, it is very important to study the physical and mechanical properties of rock in freeze-thaw environment. According to the increasing engineering needs in cold region, this paper systematically studies the physical and mechanical properties of rock under freeze-thaw cycle and confining pressure. On the background of large rock mass engineering in cold region, finite element method is used to simulate and analyze the temperature and stress coupling of surrounding rock mass of tunnel, and the corresponding measures to prevent and cure freezing damage are put forward. To provide a certain theoretical basis for rock mass engineering construction in cold region. 50mm? A 100mm international standard specimen was tested by freeze-thaw cycle under the condition of open saturated water. The damage and deterioration process of rock freezing and thawing were observed and recorded, and the quality, volume and density of rock were discussed. The variation of longitudinal wave velocity with the number of freeze-thaw cycles is analyzed. The mechanism of damage deterioration and its influencing factors are analyzed. The results show that the damage deterioration modes of red sandstone can be divided into four modes: grain spalling, crack, sheet falling and fracture. With the increase of freeze-thaw cycles, the quality, volume and density of rock increased first and then decreased. The longitudinal wave velocities show a decreasing trend. The mechanical properties of red sandstone specimens with different freezing and thawing cycles were tested under 4 different confining pressures (0 MPa ~ 2 MPa ~ (2) MPa ~ (2) MPa ~ (2) MPa ~ (2)) ~ (6) MPa). The analysis of different freezing and thawing conditions and rock triaxial under different confining pressures was carried out. Compressive stress-strain curves, The relation of compressive strength, extreme strain, elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, residual strength, angle of internal friction and cohesion with freeze-thaw condition and confining pressure is studied. The results show that the compressive strength and extreme strain of red sandstone increase with the increase of confining pressure. However, with the increase of freeze-thaw cycles, the compressive strength decreases and the extreme strain increases, while the elastic modulus and residual strength increase with the increase of confining pressure, and decrease with the increase of freeze-thaw cycles. Poisson's ratio decreases with the increase of confining pressure and increases with the increase of freeze-thaw cycle times, and the angle of internal friction, cohesion and frost resistance decrease with the increase of freeze-thaw cycle times. The finite element method is used to simulate the tunnel surrounding rock under the coupling of temperature field and stress field. The results show that with the increase of freeze-thaw time, the maximum tensile stress increases and the maximum compressive stress decreases. The top of the tunnel gradually sinks, the displacement of the bottom of the tunnel increases gradually, and the thickness of the freezing circle increases gradually, but the increasing speed gradually slows down with the increase of time.
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