本文选题:高层密集框桁架仓储结构体系 + 背拉支撑系统 ; 参考:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The storage structure of dense frame truss is shown as truss structure in transverse and "weak frame" structure in longitudinal direction, which has the characteristics of dense structure. The assembled shelf, which is widely used in logistics storage, is a typical representative of this system. On the basis of the previous research of the research group, this paper focuses on the research of the high-rise assembled shelf structure system with back pull support, and adds the results of the multi-layer structure analysis to make a comparison. This paper first introduces the structure characteristics, structure function and transfer path of the new integral node shelf, compares the structural characteristics of the separate and integral joints, the arrangement of the original backpull system and the new backpull system, and then the layout of the original backpull system and the new backpull system. The effects of vertical eccentricity, horizontal bracing system and back pull quantity on short spacer beam are studied. Then, based on the change of node stiffness, the overall performance of single clasped beam, high rise structure without lateral displacement and multi-story lateral moving structure is analyzed. The proper joint stiffness range is given and the rationality of the existing integral joint stiffness is verified. On this basis, the effects of different damping ratios on the structure performance are analyzed. Finally, the parameterized analysis of the optimal working load of a single clasp beam is made. The cross-section selection table of multi-crimped column is obtained under common working load, and the economic index of integral joint shelf is given. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the angle between column top and interlayer lateral displacement increases with the increase of eccentricity of spacer short beam, and the eccentric arrangement of spacer short beam makes the structure unsafe. The short beam should be as uneccentric or less eccentric as possible. In order to ensure that the column on the outside of the shelf can meet the strong supporting conditions, it is necessary to arrange the backpull system and install horizontal support in each layer of the structure. The increase in the number of back pull obviously limits the overall X-direction translation of the structure. The overall lateral displacement and the angle of interlaminar lateral shift are decreased. Based on the economic considerations, one back pull is set for every 4-7 column sheet, that is, one back pull affects the 7m-14m range. The method of strengthening the back pull area column and optimizing the cross section of other columns is adopted. It can reduce the amount of lateral displacement and steel used in the structure, and the reduction effect of the standard model is more remarkable than that of the single one. For the high-rise structure with no lateral displacement and multi-story lateral displacement, the increase of node stiffness makes the basic period of the structure, the top of the structure column sideways and the maximum angle of lateral displacement between layers. The beam deflection and column stress ratio decrease, the column stress of the system with lateral displacement decreases more obviously than that of the non-lateral displacement system, the node stiffness is 3 脳 10 ^ 8N mm/rad, the integral joint shelf is more suitable to move sideways than the separated joint shelf top, the maximum interlayer lateral displacement angle, the deflection of steel beam, the maximum interlayer lateral angle, the steel beam deflection and the beam, The ratio of column stress to column stress decreased by 7, damping ratio was 0.05 to 0.035, column top displacement, maximum interlaminar displacement angle, column stress ratio, The base shear force is reduced by 8, and the steel saving amount of the non-lateral integral joint shelf increases with the increase of seismic fortification intensity and characteristic period value, and increases in step shape with the increase of seismic fortification intensity and characteristic period value. The maximum amount of steel saved by the multi-layer side-shift integral joint shelf increases with the increase of the structure load, and the maximum is 30.3%.
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