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发布时间:2021-02-13 02:04
  在由旅游消费为主导变迁的社会,乡村的整体社会裂变在空间变迁中可窥一斑。本文将乡村旅游地区的空间解构为旅游吸引物(Attraction, A)、小镇(Town, T)与村落(Village, V)三类要素,三者多元交互,共同组成了乡村整体景观格局。文章以湖北省沐抚镇为例,展现了2006–2016年10年间,因为恩施大峡谷这一核心景区的带动,沐抚境内产生的土地异化、物质空间、社会关系及景观格局的更迭。通过对A、T、V三者空间变迁特征的研究探索出它们虽存在地理分异现象但却有着相同的空间演化趋势:旅游吸引物(A)呈现多元化及全域化特征;配套服务向小镇(T)集聚,促使乡村聚落的城镇化演变;村落(V)凸显景观意象,传统乡村效益向复合化发展。本文从地理学、人类学和旅游学等多学科角度出发,建构"ATV"三要素的协同框架,为解释当前中国乡村旅游空间的现实、问题和趋势提供了一种客观中性的建设性的分析框架。 

【文章来源】:Journal of Resources and Ecology. 2020,11(06)

【文章页数】:12 页

1 Introduction
2 Literature review
    2.1 Locality and order:The perspective of space
    2.2 Evolution of the tourism destination system
    2.3 Liquidity,adaptation,and sustainable development
3 The theoretical perspective:Tourism spatial synergy from the Attraction-Town-Village (ATV) perspective
    3.1 Connotation of Attraction-Town-Village(ATV)
    3.2 Spatial relations between Attractions,Towns and Villages
    3.3 Changes in the Attraction-Town-Village (ATV)space
4 Materials and methods
    4.1 Study area
    4.2 Methods of data processing
5 Rural changes from the perspective of ATV space
    5.1 Changes of Attractions (A)
    5.2 Changes of Towns (T)
    5.3 The perspective of Villages (V)
        5.3.1 Material level
        5.3.2 Social level
            (1) Inhabitation status
            (2) Status of industries
        5.3.3 Cultural images
6 Reflection on space order:Interactions of development between Attractions (A),Towns (T) and Villages (V)
    6.1 Introspection of space order
    6.2 Reconstruction of Spatial order:Interaction development between Attractions (A),Towns (T) and Villages (V)
7 Conclusions




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