本文关键词:人口转型、技术进步与农业生产组织变迁 出处:《陕西师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 人口转型 人力资本 农业技术进步 农业企业化
[Abstract]:The growth and development of agricultural production organization affects the development of agricultural economy and the quality of the agricultural modernization process. With the industrialization, the urbanization advancement, agriculture and non-agricultural industries connected more closely, agricultural production environment more and more complex. Especially since the implementation of market economy system, the qualitative changes of market supply and demand structure, in order to be out of the market, the supply of agricultural products to satisfy the market demand, and the small-scale production of agricultural family management model obviously can not effectively respond to market the challenge. Therefore, production and operation mode of agricultural reform, improve the organization degree of agricultural production is imminent. As part of foreign scholars have analyzed the changes of agricultural production organization from the perspective of institutional economics, they believe that economic growth is dynamic, organization or institution change at the same time, the development of the organization must change with it. The changing of the external environment to adjust to ensure the competitiveness of the industry. Some scholars from the perspective of risk aversion, specialization and scale production of the rise and change of agricultural production organization. Some scholars have studied the relationship between human capital and technological progress, technological progress and organizational change. Domestic scholars mainly from institutional change, transaction cost, analysis of scale economy angle changes of agricultural production organization, few scholars from the perspective of population transformation, technological progress. Different from the existing research results of scholars, from the angle of population transformation, technological progress, through the analysis of the construction of agricultural production organization change, demographic transition, the study found: firstly, strength index with the development of social economy, the demographic transition, continue to promote the level of rural human capital increase, inhibit the population to expand the number and scale of rural families The rapid growth of high level of human capital accumulation to promote the progress of agricultural technology, agricultural mechanization level will effectively improve the efficiency of agricultural production, changing the mode of agricultural production. Secondly, the level of rural human capital population transformation caused by the upgrading of agricultural production for a number of "cultural, technical, professional talents business, by their leading agricultural production, to make full use of land, capital, technology and other factors of production effectiveness, improve the level of agricultural production organization. Thirdly, the demographic transition of the agricultural labor force to promote non-agricultural transfer of agricultural population and labor to reduce, the relationship between people and land to ease the scale of agricultural production tends to expand. Because the supply of capital more abundant, while labor costs continue to increase, so replacing labor will become a reality for agricultural machinery, large-scale production, enterprise management will Step by step. Finally, the process of demographic transition, because of changes in people's attitudes, the number of families of children will be reduced, which engaged in agricultural production to reduce the labor force, individual workers will have more physical capital, the accumulation of capital stock, also conducive to agricultural micro economic organizations to change with the enterprise organization form features. The article consists of six parts. In the first part, the author put forward the research, theoretical and practical significance, but also of the demographic transition, technological progress related concepts are explained. The second part summarizes the domestic and foreign scholars in the study of classical population transformation, technological progress and agricultural production organization and make. To explore the innovation of this paper. In the third part of the paper is the nature of enterprise organization of agricultural production is the future of China's micro economic organization development Party This part first briefly introduced. To meet our small family mode of production and operation difficulties, then analyze the organization of agricultural production is an effective way to improve the management level of agricultural production. The fourth part is the theoretical analysis, this part makes use of the demographic transition, technological progress related knowledge to analyze the agricultural production organization, to explore the population the transformation process, the technical progress of the agricultural production organization mode to the enterprise. The fifth part is the empirical test, this part firstly established a multiple linear regression model to study the production scale and the technical progress of the agricultural organization degree, then the relationship using vector auto regression model to explore the progress of rural population and agricultural transformation at the end of the technology, data and models are processed and analyzed by Eviews software, and found the results of quantitative analysis of previous theoretical research part The results are consistent. The sixth part is the conclusion and policy suggestions. The conclusion of this paper is: to expand the scale of production and technological progress is an important factor that affects the organization degree of agricultural production, and between the rural population and the transformation of agricultural technology progress are closely linked, effectively promote the progress of agricultural technology can change the rural population preferences so, the organization of agricultural production also should improve the human capital level of agricultural labor force, expanding the scale of agricultural production and promote the progress of agricultural technology in these three aspects.
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