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发布时间:2018-01-27 12:50

  本文关键词: 中老年人 氟牙症 龋病 人群简化口腔卫生指数 口腔卫生习惯 牙列缺损 修复 抽样调查 出处:《河北医科大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目的:1通过口腔检查的方式对河北省衡水市高氟区中老年人进行氟牙症、龋病检查,计算该人群的社区氟牙症指数(CFI)、龋病指数,探讨氟牙症与龋病之间的相关关系,为当地口腔疾病防治提供依据。2通过口腔检查的方式对河北省衡水市高氟区中老年人进行口腔卫生状况检查,并通过问卷调查的方式对河北省衡水市高氟区中老年人的口腔卫生习惯进行了解,计算该人群简化口腔卫生指数,探讨人群简化口腔卫生指数与口腔卫生习惯的相关关系,指导当地居民的口腔卫生宣教工作。3通过口腔检查的方式对河北省衡水市高氟区中老年人进行牙列缺损及修复情况检查,计算该人群的缺牙率、修复率,探讨牙列缺损及其修复与性别、年龄的相关关系,为当地口腔疾病防治及修复提供依据。方法:本次调查对象为河北省衡水市高氟区中老年人,年龄在45-80岁,共103人,其中20人为无牙颌,共计1922颗恒牙。1检查人员:由我院口腔科的10名医师担任调查员,先对调查员进行专业培训学习,统一标准,合格后上岗,采用统一的调查表对调查对象进行询问和口腔检查。2检查工具:统一使用霸州市金盛医疗器械有限公司生产的一次性平面口镜和一次性探针。3调查表:根据本研究的目的,结合可能与氟牙症、龋病、口腔卫生状况、牙列缺损相关的影响因素制定调查表,并经过预实验测试和修改后定稿。调查表分为两部分,一部分为调查问卷,内容包括:受检者的性别、年龄、文化程度、口腔卫生习惯、家庭主要饮水来源等;另一部分为检查表,内容包括:氟斑牙、龋病、口腔卫生状况、牙列缺损及修复情况等。4具体检查内容:参照《第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案》[1]和世界卫生组织《口腔健康调查基本方法》(第4版)[2]的标准,认真检查所有受检者的氟斑牙程度和具体治疗方式、龋失补牙齿、软垢和牙石、牙列缺损情况及修复方式和情况并做出详细记录。5诊断标准和记分标准5.1氟牙症:按Dean分度标准检查氟牙症并记分。根据牙表面光泽度、变色、缺损程度及对牙面侵犯面积进行分度,可分为正常、可疑、很轻度、轻度、中度、重度。5.2龋齿:采用WH0《口腔健康调查基本方法》(第4版)[2]中的诊断标准对该人群恒牙进行冠龋检查。并采用《口腔预防医学》(第6版)[3]龋失补牙数(DMFT)进行记分。5.3口腔卫生状况:采用人群简化口腔卫生指数来评价该人群的口腔卫生状况,包括简化软垢指数(DI-S)和简化牙石指数(CI-S)。5.4牙列缺损及修复情况:根据《第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案》[1]检查并记录该人群牙列缺损、牙列缺失及修复情况。6统计学处理:检查结束后将结果录入Excel工作表,运用SPSS 21.0软件包进行统计分析。6.1按Dean分度标准将所有调查对象分成六组,各氟牙症组与正常组恒牙龋坏率的比较采用χ2检验进行相关数据分析,P0.05为差异有统计学意义。各氟牙症组间恒牙龋坏率的比较采用χ2检验进行相关数据分析,P0.003为差异有统计学意义。6.2按刷牙次数分组,两组DI-S和CI-S比较采用t检验进行相关数据分析,P0.05为差异有统计学意义。按是否吸烟分组,两组DI-S和CI-S比较采用t检验进行相关数据分析,P0.05为差异有统计学意义。6.3不同年龄组、性别组缺牙率及修复率的比较,采用χ2检验进行相关数据分析,P0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果:1氟牙症患病情况所调查的衡水市高氟区中老年人CFI为1.45,氟牙症中度流行,氟牙症的患病率为83.13%,其中,可疑组:24.10%;很轻度组:19.28%;轻度组:14.46%;中度组:16.87%;重度组:8.43%。2龋病患病情况所调查的衡水市高氟区中老年人DMFT:948颗,其中DT:493颗,MT:372颗,FT:84颗,恒牙患龋率为96.39%,龋均为11.42。3口腔卫生状况该人群简化软垢指数(DI-S)为6.34,简化牙石指数(CI-S)为7.91,该地区人群口腔卫生状况很差;口腔卫生习惯,每天刷牙次数2次者:57.83%;≥2次者:42.17%;吸烟习惯,不吸:51.81%;吸烟:48.19%,口腔卫生习惯差。4牙列缺损及修复情况在调查的103例样本中,发现缺牙者74例,缺牙率为71.85%,其中已修复者35例,修复率为47.30%;牙列缺损者占72.97%;牙列缺失者占27.03%。5不同氟牙症组恒牙龋坏率的比较按氟牙症严重程度分组,(1)正常组(2)可疑组(3)很轻度组(4)轻度组(5)中度组(6)重度组,每组恒牙龋坏率:(1)38.48%;(2)26.48%;(3)15.11%;(4)11.86%;(5)50.00%;(6)66.67%。对结果进行分析后发现第(3)(4)组受检者恒牙龋坏率差异无统计学意义(P0.05);其余组受检者恒牙龋坏率差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。6按每天刷牙次数分组,不同组DI-S和CI-S值比较(SX±)按每天刷牙次数分组(1)2次;(2)≥2次,两组CI-S值(1)9.44±4.297;(2)5.83±1.839两组CI-S差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。两组DI-S值(1)7.71±3.975;(2)5.20±2.112两组DI-S差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。7按是否吸烟分组,不同组DI-S和CI-S比较(SX±)(1)不吸(2)吸烟,两组CI-S值(1)6.77±3.191;(2)9.15±4.240两组CI-S差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。两组DI-S值(1)5.49±2.164;(2)7.25±4.271两组DI-S差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。8按性别分组,不同性别组受检者缺牙率及修复率比较男性组76.19%、50.00%;女性组68.85%、45.24%。不同性别组的缺牙率与修复率差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。9按年龄分组,不年龄组受检者缺牙率及修复率比较45-59岁63.16%、33.33%;60-74岁66.67%、43.33%;75-89岁100%、70%。不同年龄组的缺牙率与修复率差异均具有统计学意义,且年龄高的调查者缺牙比例高,而修复比例也高。10修复体情况在已修复者的修复体中全口义齿所占的比例最大(14例,占40.00%),其他依次是活动义齿(12例,占34.29%),非正规固定桥(6例,占17.14%),固定义齿(3例,占8.57%)、种植修复(0例,占0%)。结论:1该区中老年人氟牙症及龋病患病率高。随着社会和经济的发展,该区在政府领导下已采取改水降氟措施,但中老年人氟牙症已形成,当地医务工作者应加强口腔卫生宣教,提高患牙的治疗率。2该区中老年人口腔卫生差,当地医务工作者应加强口腔卫生宣教,强调良好口腔卫生习惯的重要性,改善口腔卫生状况。3该区中老年人缺牙率高而修复率低,对修复缺失牙齿的必要性的宣传力度有待增强,尤其注重对于种植修复、固定义齿修复的优点,不良修复体的缺点及危害方面的宣传,从而提高中老年人口腔保健意识,进一步促进其选择正确的,健康的修复体,提高生活质量。
[Abstract]:Objective: 1 through oral examination to the high fluorine District of Hengshui city in Hebei Province in the elderly of dental fluorosis and caries examination, calculation of the population of the community dental fluorosis index (CFI), dental caries index, investigate the relationship between dental fluorosis and dental caries, provide the basis for.2 by oral oral examination. Health inspection of high fluorine District of Hengshui city in Hebei province in the elderly for prevention of local oral diseases, and carried out by way of a questionnaire survey on oral health habits of high fluorine District of Hengshui City, Hebei Province, in the elderly, calculate the crowd simplified oral hygiene index, discuss the relationship between the crowd simplified oral hygiene index and oral health habits of the local residents to guide the work of oral health education by way of.3 oral examination of high fluorine District of Hengshui city in Hebei Province in the elderly of dentition defect and repair inspection, calculation of the crowd missing The rate of tooth, the repair rate of dentition defect and repair the relationship with gender, age, and provide the basis for local disease prevention and repair. Methods: a survey for the high fluorine District of Hengshui City, Hebei Province, in the elderly, at the age of 45-80, a total of 103 people, of which 20 were edentulous. A total of 1922 permanent teeth.1 inspection personnel: 10 doctors in our hospital department of Stomatology as investigators, the investigators conducted professional training, uniform standards, qualified posts, with a questionnaire inquiry and oral examination.2 inspection tool for investigation object: unified Bazhou Jinsheng medical instrument limited company to produce the disposable plane mirror and the disposable probe.3 questionnaire: according to the purpose of this study, may be combined with dental fluorosis, dental caries, oral hygiene, dental defect related factors affecting the development of the survey, and after the pre test and modify After the final questionnaire is divided into two parts, one part is the questionnaire content including: the subjects of sex, age, education level, oral hygiene habits, family's main source of potable water; the other part is the check list, including: dental fluorosis, dental caries, oral hygiene status, dentition defect and repair.4 check the specific content: according to < third national oral health epidemiological survey program >[1] and WHO "oral health surveys basic methods" (Fourth Edition) [2] standard, carefully check the degree of dental fluorosis in all subjects and the specific treatment methods, DMFT teeth, soft dirt and odontolith, dentition defect and repair and condition and make a detailed record of.5 diagnostic criteria and scoring criteria of 5.1 dental fluorosis: according to the standard of Dean classification of dental fluorosis and examination score. According to the tooth surface gloss, color, and defect degree of tooth surface area index infringement That can be divided into normal, suspicious, very mild, mild, moderate and severe.5.2 caries: the basic method of WH0< oral health survey "(Fourth Edition) on the population of permanent teeth dental caries diagnosis standard of [2]. And the use of oral preventive medicine > > (the Sixth Edition) [3] number DMFT score (DMFT) oral hygiene status score.5.3: the oral health status of population using the simplified oral hygiene index to evaluate the population, including di-s (DI-S) and ci-s (CI-S).5.4 dentition defect and repair: according to the third national oral health epidemiological survey scheme of >[1] check and record the population of dentition defect, loss and restoration of.6 were listed after the end of the tooth: check the results into the Excel table, were analyzed by Dean.6.1 classification criteria, all subjects were divided into six groups using SPSS 21 software, the dental fluorosis and normal group Permanent tooth caries was compared using the 2 test data of P0.05, the difference was statistically significant. The dental fluorosis group between permanent teeth caries was compared using the 2 test data of P0.003, the difference was statistically significant.6.2 group by brushing, two groups of DI-S and CI-S compared with t test data analysis, P0.05 difference was statistically significant. According to whether the smoking group, two groups of DI-S and CI-S were compared with t test data analysis, P0.05.6.3 had significant difference in different age groups, gender group tooth loss rate and repair rate is complex, 2 test was used for data analysis. P0.05 the difference was statistically significant. Results: 1 dental fluorosis prevalence survey of high fluoride area in Hengshui city of CFI in the elderly was 1.45, moderate epidemic fluorosis, dental fluorosis prevalence rate was 83.13%, among them, suspected group: 24.10%; light 搴︾粍:19.28%;杞诲害缁,




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