本文关键词: 工业统计 基层 统计报表 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The W region is located in the more developed area of county economy, and the industrial economy is still its pillar industry, and the number of industrial enterprises above and below the scale is also relatively large, and the number of industrial enterprises below the scale is more electronic. The network office environment is perfect. At the same time, some common problems have been encountered in the statistical process of industrial enterprises above the scale and below the scale in the W area as well as the industrial enterprises below the scale. It is of great significance to discuss the problems existing in the basic level industrial statistics in the eastern coastal areas, and the corresponding countermeasures will be helpful to the statistical work in other regions. The current situation of grass-roots industrial statistics in W area is grasped by the methods of research and research. The statistical status of industrial enterprises above scale is studied by using the theory of fine management and the theory of new public administration, and the causes of the problems are analyzed. At the same time, the paper expounds and analyzes the present situation and some problems in the sampling survey of industrial enterprises below the scale at the present stage. It is found that the establishment of industrial grass-roots statistical institutions is not perfect, and the statistical ranks of industrial enterprises are not stable. In the absence of a scientific system of statistical accounts and original records, sensitive indicators are difficult to calculate accurately, and the sample units in some towns are relatively small, so they cannot be calculated and the data are calculated from top to bottom. The lag in timeliness has caused some problems in the process of providing services for grass-roots industrial statistics at the present stage. Both of them have analyzed the reasons and put forward some suggestions from these aspects: to conform to the trend of economic and social development, to build a "big statistics" system, to attach importance to lightening the burden at the grassroots level, to strengthen data development, and to promote statistical standardization. Attach importance to the construction of the basic unit directory database, implement electronic bookkeeping, innovate the working methods of electronic bookkeeping, improve sampling methods, cover as much as possible, strengthen the training of accounting in sample villages and cataloguing enterprises, and appropriately increase subsidies, We should strengthen the examination of the statistical work of the industrial enterprises below the scale of the grass-roots statistical departments, publicize the statistics laws and regulations, and strengthen the law enforcement of industrial statistics below the scale. Through the above measures, we believe that there will be great improvement in the service of industrial statistics at the grass-roots level.
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