本文选题:真实盈余管理 切入点:销售操控 出处:《安徽农业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:From a series of accounting scandals that broke out after the "Enron incident" in foreign countries, to the domestic "Lantian incident" and other cases of earnings management of listed enterprises in the securities market, In order to reduce the opportunities for listed companies to carry out earnings management, The Accounting Standards Committee of our country constantly adjusts and consummates the relevant standards according to the economic and social changes. Although to some extent, it restricts the traditional earnings management, but another more subtle new way is favored and developed. That is true earnings management. In the past, the traditional earnings management methods, such as adjusting the information of accounting statements by using accounting policies or accounting methods, have compressed the space for operation because of the tightening of accounting standards. It is by constructing real economic business or changing the time of the transaction to adjust the cash flow, so that it is not easy to be discovered, and can also achieve the effect of whitewash the financial report. Therefore, the management of listed enterprises is more inclined to accept this kind of low risk mode. For the study of real earnings management, the existing scholars compare it with the traditional earnings management from their behavior performance, choosing motivation, and comparing with the traditional earnings management. The impact of corporate governance on corporate performance is analyzed. However, there are few studies on the impact of real earnings management on corporate performance. Based on the special institutional environment of "transition economy plus structured market reform", this paper attempts to study the long-term impact of real earnings management on enterprise performance. This paper makes a more systematic exploration of the real earnings management behavior in the production and management activities with greater concealment. This paper takes the manufacturing industry in the A-share listed enterprises as a sample, and adopts the method of combining theory with empirical research. To clarify the impact of real earnings management on corporate performance. First, explain the research background and significance of this paper, draw the essence from the relevant literature at home and abroad, understand the research progress and results, and excavate on the basis of the previous period. Theoretically define the relevant concepts, such as earnings management, real earnings management, corporate performance, etc. Then, the theoretical analysis and research hypothesis of real earnings management on enterprise performance are put forward. Then, from the aspects of data collection, collation, model setting, statistical test and regression analysis, the paper puts forward the theoretical analysis and research hypothesis of real earnings management. Finally, several conclusions are drawn: the behavior of sales control earnings management has a negative impact on the future performance of enterprises. The influence of discretionary cost manipulation on the future performance of enterprises is not obvious, and the effect of production manipulation on the future performance of enterprises is negative. Some measures are put forward to standardize the real earnings management of listed enterprises, so as to promote the healthy development of the whole securities market.
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