本文选题:体育旅游 切入点:大学生 出处:《武汉体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of national economy, improvement of people's living standards, tourism development, leisure entertainment fitness for the purpose of tourism projects gradually active, sports tourism industry developed rapidly. The enhancement of people sports consciousness, the rapid increase in demand of sports tourism, university students have become the sports tourism potential consumer groups on the basis of. Based on the basic theory of sports tourism, with the reality of Wuhan area college students to participate in sports tourism based on the investigation of current situation of Wuhan area college students to participate in sports tourism, and analyzes the characteristics and influencing factors of College Students' participation in sports tourism, and puts forward some suggestions. Hope to provide a theoretical reference for the the relevant departments and enterprises to master the college students in Wuhan sports tourism market, and promote the college sports tourism market The cultivation and development. In this paper, by using the method of literature, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics method, the Wuhan area college students to participate in sports tourism awareness, attitude, understanding way, participation, motivation, project selection and influence factors investigation and analysis of the substantive. Through investigation and research, this paper draw the following conclusions: first, overall, Wuhan area college students' understanding of sports tourism; Wuhan area college students on sports tourism higher recognition; college students access to sports tourism information the most common way is to recommend the Internet and friends; on the whole, the Wuhan area college students sports tourism participation is not high. Two. The primary motivation of college students in Wuhan to participate in sports tourism is to ease the pressure, followed by entertainment; students are most interested in the sports tourism project is a leisure and fitness type, followed by Adrian type And stimulating students sports tourism travel time; the proportion of low order holidays, summer and winter vacation, weekend travel season; most concentrated in summer and spring; travel probably tend to cycle within 3 days in the short distance travel; at times with low frequency for the LORD; for the sports tourism travel choice the rational choice of public transport, the highest proportion; in the choice of travel groups, tend to choose friends and classmates, together with his family and lovers; the proportion with the expansion of the scope of a large space attenuation at the destination range selection. Three, Wuhan monthly consumption of college students in the middle level; college students the cost of travel is the main source of living expenses; a one-time college students sports tourism consumption in prosperous consumption; sports tourism expenditure mainly concentrated in the transportation, accommodation, tickets are three aspects Participate in a sports tourism; the ideal amount is higher, have certain ability of sports tourism consumption in Wuhan area; the influence factors of College Students' participation in sports tourism, economic factors, no organization, the time factor accounted for the top three. On the basis of the survey results, this paper also analyzes the Wuhan area college students to participate in sports tourism has some problems. For example, the first, the relevant departments of sports tourism enterprises and to a certain extent ignore students' consumption potential, sports tourism promotion propaganda is not enough, the relevant information of sports tourism and professional guidance personnel too little; second, sports tourism single cost is higher, some students beyond the affordability of sports tourism sports tourism products of a single project evaluation; third, the attitude is not clear, no positive education and guide students to participate in sports tourism sports tourism activities; fourth, the legal system is not Perfect, as a guarantee of the college sports tourism safety problems. Aiming at the above problems and investigation, this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures from many aspects. First, give full play to the role of government, increase the students' sports tourism market support and guidance; secondly, tourism enterprises should strengthen propaganda, and use the right products marketing and pricing strategies to actively develop the college sports tourism market; secondly, universities should strengthen the cultivation of sports tourism talents, and through a variety of ways to guide college students to participate in sports tourism activities; finally, the relevant parties should establish a comprehensive security system to protect the students participate in sports tourism for the personal and property safety.
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