本文选题:泵效 + 能耗 ; 参考:《西南石油大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, in the field of oil field development and production, with the continuous development of the development work, many wells have stopped sprayed because of the decline of the natural energy of the formation. Therefore, mechanical oil production has become the most important oil production mode at home and abroad. According to the statistics, the proportion of the domestic pumping wells accounts for more than 80% of the total number of production wells, and plays a more and more important role. There are many ways and action points to save the energy consumption of the pumping unit, and the main research direction is from the angle of pump efficiency analysis. The analysis of oil well working condition and energy consumption evaluation is a comprehensive analysis to judge the production condition of oil well and improve the efficiency of energy saving and dig the potential. It is a kind of heavy oil well in high efficiency. By means of means, it is of great significance to improve the production efficiency of oil wells and the level of field management. In this paper, a new method of combining the theoretical research with the actual development and production data in the field is used to improve and develop the energy consumption chart and production dynamics of the pumping well, and the real time monitoring is expected to be achieved. To solve and solve the problem of production, provide new development ideas for the dynamic monitoring of oil and gas wells, and through the pump efficiency of pumping wells, dynamic monitoring of working conditions, injection production adjustment and so on, and then improve the well group and the overall production status of the unit. At the same time, the concept of energy consumption influence is introduced on the basis of working condition control, combined with the Shengli Oilfield. In fact, a new theory and new method of working condition management and energy consumption evaluation of the pumping well can be put forward, which can directly reflect the production status and economic development prospect of the oil well, monitor from the source and put forward the reasonable suggestion to the production process directly. And economic benefits, and then improve the management level of oil wells.
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