本文选题:协议适配 + CPU卡 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, due to the opening of gas market and the shortage of energy, gas prices fluctuate frequently, both gas companies and ordinary users hope to have more accurate and flexible gas pricing methods. At the same time, the rapid development of gas metering technology and metering equipment, coupled with the differences in the development and use of gas in various parts of the country, make the membrane gas meters, Pulse gas meters and gas meters equipped with various flow integrators coexist in China for a long time. As a result, although the main functions of the gas meter are almost the same, because of the different metering methods, the gas meter manufacturing company still needs to develop different gas meter controllers according to the needs of the users. In this paper, an intelligent remote gas meter controller is developed for various metering devices. The main work and results are as follows: 1. The controller system consists of three modules: the metering board which can work independently, the remote communication board which realizes the remote communication function of GPRS and the main control board which is responsible for the common control function of gas meter. The metering circuit of traditional membrane meter, pulse Flowmeter and flow integrator is integrated into the metering board to make it suitable for various metering equipments. In the software development of the system, the embedded bottom program of each module of the intelligent gas meter controller is designed, and the steady operation of the gas meter controller is realized with hardware. 3. The communication between the metering board and the main control board is based on Modbus protocol. The remote communication between the controller and the remote management center is carried out through the GPRS network. According to the function requirement of the gas meter and the characteristics of each module, the communication protocol between the main control board and the metering board, the controller and the background management center is designed, and the communication problem of the system is solved. The integrated test of the whole gas meter controller is carried out in this paper. The test results show that the multi-metering mode of the gas meter can be adapted under the cooperation of the hardware and software of the system. At the end of the paper, the paper summarizes the whole paper, analyzes some imperfections of the system, and makes a prospect for the following optimization of the design.
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