短期波动 在 宏观经济管理与可持续发展 分类中 的翻译结果
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A Research on the Long-term Equilibrium and Short-term Fluctuation between Service Trade Openness and the Economic Growth in China
Study on long-term stability and short-term fluctuation of Gansu's economy
Based on co-integration theory and error correction model,this paper studies the determinants of power demand,constructs a power demand function,and tests the long-run equilibrium relationship and short-term fluctuation relationship between aggregate power demand and the main economic variables,such as GDP,price,economic structure and efficiency.
According to cointegration theory and Granger causality theory, this assay carries a positive analysis on the association of industrial structure and economic growth with the time series data from 1978 to 2002. The conclusion indicates that there exists only dynamic equilibrium or cointegration relationship between the industrial structure and economic growth. The short-term fluctuation and long-term equilibrium of industrial structure and economic growth exist in Vector Error Correction Model based on cointegration equation.
An error correction model based on integration and Johansen-Juselius cointegration test finding was constructed to describe the adjustment process of the freight turnover quantity from a short-term fluctuation to a long-term equilibrium.
Relations between Residents' Consuming Expenditure and Disposable Income: Long-term Equilibrium and Short-term Fluctuation --Economic analysis on the sample surveying data of living standard of Shaoguan people
5) Finally, based on theory of supply and demand, by using the dynamic method of econometric model, the long-term correlative model and short-term fluctuant model for aggregate fruit, apple and grape are established, and then the stability of long-term correlation and characteristics of short-term fluctuant between fruits supply-demand and their affecting factors are analyzed.
5) 以供求关系理论和经济行为规律的认识为基础,基于动态计量经济学中的协整与误差修正理论,分别以水果总量、苹果和葡萄为例,构建了中国水果供给、需求和价格与其影响因素之间的长期相关与短期波动模型,分析了中国水果供求与其主要影响因素长期相关的稳定性和短期波动的特征。
So we the efficiency of our domestic banks is measured and tested in the paper using multiple models and methods from different aspects.
In the end, "Nominal Economy" became the consensus of opinion and the relationship between the nominal economy and the real economy arises people's attention.
Theresults imply that there are long-run equilibrium relationships of the real effectiveexchange rate and international oil prices respectively with GDP and the governmentfiscal revenues. In addition, the short-run fluctuations of international oil prices andthe real effective exchange rate also significantly influence GDP and the governmentfiscal revenues.
short-term fluctuation
The remaining variability was mainly due to short-term fluctuation of eye torsion over seconds.
"Short-term fluctuation" provides information about the reliability of the results as well as about possible early damage.
There was also a tendency toward an increase in false-negative responses in catch trials, an increase in the number of stimuli presentations required, and higher short-term fluctuation.
The neuroretinal-rim area was best correlated with short-term fluctuation, but was also very significantly correlated with mean damage and corrected loss variance.
We found a mean short-term fluctuation of 2.37 dB, a long-term heterogeneous fluctuation of 5.28 dB, and a long-term homogeneous fluctuation of 1.10 dB.
Based on integration and Johansen Juselius cointegration test findings, this paper constructs an error correction model(ECM), which describes non linear adjustment process of renminbi(RMB) against the U.S dollar bilateral exchange rate to long term equilibrium under new exchange rate arrangement in China. The empirical analysis results suggest that all parameters estimated are of the expected sign, and that the single long run relationship exists estimated are of the expected sign, and that the single long run...
Based on integration and Johansen Juselius cointegration test findings, this paper constructs an error correction model(ECM), which describes non linear adjustment process of renminbi(RMB) against the U.S dollar bilateral exchange rate to long term equilibrium under new exchange rate arrangement in China. The empirical analysis results suggest that all parameters estimated are of the expected sign, and that the single long run relationship exists estimated are of the expected sign, and that the single long run relationship exits among RMB against US$ exchange rate, foreign exchange reserves, and changes in international foreign exchange markets, e.g., Japanese Yen against the U.S.dollar bilateral exchange rate. The ECM model shows that non linear dynamic adjustment process of RMB against the U.S. dollar exchange rate maintains stable and significant relationships to foreign exchange reserves, imports, and Japanese Yen against the U.S. dollar bilateral exchange rate.
In order to apply the model built to analysis the trend in exports of China in the reform period(1978 to 1996), the Hsiao procedure is used to choose optical macroeconomic variables,which are constructed by the theoretical model.Based on integration and Johansen Juselius cointegration test findings,this paper constructs an error correction model(ECM),which describes the mechanism of adjustment to long term equilibrium.It is found that exists a unique longrun relationship among the varibales included in the...
In order to apply the model built to analysis the trend in exports of China in the reform period(1978 to 1996), the Hsiao procedure is used to choose optical macroeconomic variables,which are constructed by the theoretical model.Based on integration and Johansen Juselius cointegration test findings,this paper constructs an error correction model(ECM),which describes the mechanism of adjustment to long term equilibrium.It is found that exists a unique longrun relationship among the varibales included in the model over the period 1978 to 1996,and that all parameters estimated are of the expected sign.The error correction model not only fits the actual well,but also maintains overall stability.
应用已建立的出口模型对中国改革开放以来(1978- 1996)的出口增长趋势进行了实证分析.在运用 Hsiao 程序选出最优解释变量的基础上;应用协整方法检验变量间的长期稳定关系,即协整关系;进而建立用来描述中国出口增长由短期波动向长期均衡调整的动态过程的误差修正模型.实证分析结果表明,所有解释变量的估计系数具有我们建模时设定的符号;并且变量之间存在唯一的长期稳定关系.短期动态模型不仅具有令人满意的拟合效果,,而且具有结构稳定性.
This article makes a quantitative analysis on the relationship between construction investment and economic growth in China, and develops an econometrical “error correction model” to demonstrate the long term balance and short term fluctuations of them. From this model, the construction investment elasticities of GDP are calculated and it seems that they are all much higher than their shares in GDP. So a conclusion could be drawn that construction investment plays an important role in national economy and...
This article makes a quantitative analysis on the relationship between construction investment and economic growth in China, and develops an econometrical “error correction model” to demonstrate the long term balance and short term fluctuations of them. From this model, the construction investment elasticities of GDP are calculated and it seems that they are all much higher than their shares in GDP. So a conclusion could be drawn that construction investment plays an important role in national economy and can greatly stimulate the increase of GDP.
文章对我国建设投资和国民经济之间的关系进行了定量的分析 ,建立了能反映二者之间长期均衡和短期波动关系的误差修正模型 ,从而得到近阶段国民经济增长对我国建设投资的弹性系数 ,反映了建设投资对国民经济增长的贡献水平。从模型分析的结果显示 ,无论是固定资产投资 ,还是建筑安装投资 ,GDP对它们的弹性系数都大大超过它们各自在 GDP中所占的比重。这表明建设投资能够高效率地拉动国民经济的增长 ,是刺激经济活动的重要手段之一。
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