本文选题:旅游资源 + 空间分析 ; 参考:《广西师范学院》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Tourism resource is an important comprehensive tourist attraction, and it is also an important carrier for regional tourism economic activities. The number of tourism resources, the quality of its quality and its distribution in space have an important impact on the development of regional tourism. It is an important support for tourism development. The spatial distribution of regional tourism resources, The spatial relationship and other factors have a certain influence on the development of tourism spatial pattern, and will also cause the development and change of tourism industry and other related industries. Through understanding the distribution characteristics of regional tourism resources and the status of spatial distribution, we can determine the advantages and development direction of tourism resources, and scientifically define the functions of different regions. In order to achieve the joint exploitation of regional tourism resources, this paper makes a thorough study of the spatial distribution of regional tourism resources, the degree of distribution and the relationship between each other, and analyzes the problems of the spatial structure of tourism resources. At the same time, it puts forward the Countermeasures of joint development of regional tourism resources and the sustainable tourism industry. The development has important research significance. On the basis of summarizing the related research achievements of tourism resources, the overall structural framework of this paper is determined. Based on the related tourism development theory, the tourism resources of the Xijiang economic belt in Guangxi are analyzed and deeply studied. Seven areas of the Xijiang economic belt in Guangxi are collected. The relevant statistical data of the city are discussed in terms of its natural environment conditions, the level of social and economic development, and the status of tourism development. Using the index of tourism resources, the overall dominance, the nearest index, the geographical concentration index, the Gini coefficient, the unbalance index, the scale index, the superiority index and so on, the mathematical statistics and analysis of GI and the superiority index. The S analysis method studies the present situation of the spatial distribution of tourism resources in the Xijiang economic belt, mainly analyzes the endowment differences, types, spatial relationships, spatial distribution types and agglomeration characteristics of tourism resources. The results include: (1) there are 8 main categories, 28 subcategories and 96 basic types of the tourism resources in the Xijiang economic zone. And 2177 tourist resources monomers, with a complete range of main categories, rich subcategories, diverse basic types, high overall grade, and uneven spatial distribution. Among them, natural tourism resources have 4 main categories, 14 subcategories, 32 basic types and 342 tourist resources monomers, and there are 4 main categories, 14 subcategories, 46 basic types and 1835. Tourism resource monomers, building facilities and landscape architecture constitute the two major tourist resources of the Xijiang economic belt. (2) the tourism resources of the Xijiang economic belt are mainly concentrated in Nanning, Liuzhou and Baise, Guigang and Chongzuo, among which, the absolute abundance of the tourist resources in Nanning is the highest, accounting for the 24.71%. Xijiang River, the total amount of seven cities. The ranking of the absolute abundance and relative abundance of the seven cities of the Francis is not the same. In addition to the changes in the ranking of the cities of Guigang and Liuzhou, the positions of the other cities have changed greatly. The spatial combination of tourism resources in the Xijiang economic zone is poor, the coordination of the resources is very uncoordinated, the spatial distribution is unevenly distributed, and the Baise, Nanning The overall dominance of the city and Liuzhou is relatively high. (3) the overall scale of the tourism resources of the Xijiang economic belt is only 0.0166. The scale of tourism resources in Nanning, Liuzhou, Wuzhou and Laibin City is greater than the overall scale and the average. The scale of tourism resources in Baise, Guigang and Chongzuo are less than the overall scale and the city. The overall superiority of the tourism resources of the Xijiang economic belt is 0.74. The superiority of the tourist resources in the seven cities is lower than the overall level. The superiority of the tourism resources in Nanning, Liuzhou and Baise is greater than the average value of the city. The superiority of the tourism resources in Wuzhou, Guigang, Laibin City and Chongzuo is less than the average value of the city. Nanning, Baise and willow The difference between the scale and the superiority index of the resources of the city is the greatest. (4) the spatial distribution of tourism resources in the Xijiang economic zone is irrational, and the most adjacent index is on the whole, the nearest distance of the theory is greater than the actual nearest distance, that is, the tourism of the Xijiang economic belt. The spatial distribution types of resources are cluster type. (5) the distribution of tourism resources in the Xijiang economic zone is quite distinct, showing a high concentration distribution trend and a low spatial distribution balance. The actual geographic concentration index is higher than the geographical concentration index under the uniform distribution, and the Gini coefficient generally tends to 1. The analysis results of the unbalanced index also show that the tourism resources are concentrated in the Xijiang economic zone. On the basis of the space analysis of the tourism resources of the West River Economic Zone, the tourism resources space is found. There are the following problems in the layout: the uneven distribution of tourism resources, the uneven distribution of natural tourism resources and human tourism resources, the poor combination of tourism resources, the improvement of the construction of tourism transportation facilities, and the relatively few key cities with the role of radiation driving. Finally, the social and economic development of the seven cities in the Xijiang economic belt is combined. Level, the present situation of tourism development and the spatial distribution of tourism resources, we have determined the spatial framework of tourism resources of "three hearts, five districts and two axes", and put forward the integration of internal tourism resources, the construction of special tourist areas, the integration of regional tourism resources, the creation of excellent tourist routes, the strengthening of regional tourism cooperation and the realization of joint interactive development; "tourism +". To promote the sustainable development of the tourism in the Xijiang Economic Zone, the development of the industrial integration, the promotion of the tourism industry, the improvement of the efficiency of the tourism industry, the optimization of the tourist traffic network, the improvement of the entry of the tourist attractions, the strengthening of the joint development of the six tourism resources, such as the construction of the basic tourism service facilities.
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