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发布时间:2018-07-26 13:11
【摘要】:本研究以陕西省西安市为研究区域,采用经典统计法、地统计法和GIS技术相结合的方法,首先对研究区土壤pH、OM、TN、AP和AK等养分进行空间变异特征分析,并根据猕猴桃、石榴、葡萄和甜瓜等特色经济作物生长对自然环境条件的要求,建立包括立地条件、土壤养分状况、土壤性状和农田管理等要素的作物土地适宜性评价层次模型及隶属函数模型,完成对研究区特色经济作物土地适宜性评价研究。研究结果表明:1.耕地表层土壤有机质、全氮、速效钾和有效磷的平均含量分别为16.97g/kg、0.97g/kg、164.58 mg/kg、22.99 mg/kg,整体上处于中等水平。研究区土壤养分及pH的变异水平依次为:有效磷速效钾全氮有机质pH。2.耕地表层土壤主要呈中性偏碱性,在大体上呈现出东北偏碱西南偏酸性格局。耕地土壤的有机质含量均属中等偏下水平。速效钾含量非常丰富,但分布极不均匀。有效磷含量总体上呈现东南偏低,西部、东北偏高的格局。3.对猕猴桃、石榴、葡萄、甜瓜等特色经济作物进行土地适宜性评价。结果如下:1)高度适宜猕猴桃栽植的耕地占14.67%。主要分布在长安、周至、户县,;适宜栽植的耕地占总49.24%,各县(区)均有分布,临潼、户县、周至和长安较大;勉强适宜栽植的耕地占16.53%,主要分布临潼、蓝田两县(区),不适宜栽植的耕地占19.56%,主要分布在蓝田、临潼。2)高度适宜石榴种植的农田占54.25%,各县区均有分布,临潼区、长安区、户县和周至县分布较多;适宜种植的农田占25.85%,蓝田、长安分布较多;勉强适宜种植的农田占10.21%,主要分布在蓝田、临潼区;不适宜种植的耕地占9.69%。集中分布在蓝田、临潼。3)高度适宜葡萄耕种的耕地占36.65%,集中在临潼、长安、户县与周至;适宜耕种的耕地占38.19%,长安和周至所占面积较大,灞桥、阎良和高陵面积则很小;勉强适宜耕种的耕地占13.41%,集中在蓝田、临潼;不适宜耕种的耕地占11.75%,大部分位于蓝田、临潼区。4)高度适宜甜瓜种植的农田占52.32%。主要分布在临潼、户县、长安和周至;适宜种植的农田占27.06%,长安、蓝田、临潼和周至分布较多;勉强适宜种植的农田占10.29%,蓝田县分布;不适宜种植的耕地占10.34%,集中分布在蓝田、临潼和周至。
[Abstract]:In this study, Xi'an City of Shaanxi Province was used as the study area. The methods of classical statistics, geostatistics and GIS were used to analyze the spatial variation characteristics of soil nutrients, such as pH OMN, AP and AK, and according to kiwifruit and pomegranate. The requirements of the growth of special cash crops such as grape and melon on the natural environment conditions were established. The evaluation hierarchy model and membership function model of crop land suitability including site conditions, soil nutrient status, soil characters and farmland management were established. The study on land suitability evaluation of special cash crops in the study area was completed. The results of the study show that 1: 1. The average contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, available potassium and available phosphorus in surface soil of cultivated land were 16.97g / kg 0.97g 路kg ~ (-1) 0.97 mg / kg ~ (-1) 164.58 mg / kg ~ (22.99) mg 路kg ~ (-1) 路kg ~ (-1), respectively. The variation levels of soil nutrients and pH in the study area were as follows: available phosphorus, available potassium, total nitrogen and organic matter pH.2. The surface soil of cultivated land is mainly neutral and alkaline, and shows an acidic pattern in the northeast and southwest. The content of organic matter in cultivated soil was medium and lower. The available potassium content is very rich, but the distribution is extremely uneven. The content of available phosphorus was lower in the southeast, higher in the west and higher in the northeast. The land suitability of kiwifruit, pomegranate, grape and melon was evaluated. The results were as follows: (1) the cultivated land suitable for kiwifruit cultivation was 14.67%. Mainly distributed in Changan, Zhouzhi, Huxian County; suitable cultivated land accounted for 49.24% of the total, all counties (districts) were distributed, Lintong, Huxian, Zhou Zhi and Chang'an were relatively large; the proportion of cultivated land barely suitable for planting was 16.53, mainly in Lintong, In the two counties (districts), the unsuitable cultivated land accounted for 19.56%, mainly distributed in Lantian and Lintong .2) 54.25% of the farmland was highly suitable for pomegranate cultivation, each county and district were distributed, Lintong District, Chang'an District, Huxian County and Zhouzhi County distributed more; The suitable cropland is 25.85, the Lantian, Changan is more, the barely suitable farmland is 10.21, mainly distributes in Lantian, Lintong district, the unsuitable cultivated land accounts for 9.69%. In Lantian, Lintong .3) the cultivated land that is highly suitable for grape cultivation accounts for 36.65, and concentrated in Lintong, Changan, Huxian and Zhou Solstice, the cultivated land suitable for cultivation is 38.19, the area of Changan and Zhou Zhi is larger, the area of Baqiao, Yan Liang and Gao Ling is very small. The cultivated land which was barely suitable for cultivation was 13.41%, concentrated in Lantian and Lintong, and 11.75% in unfit farmland, most of which was located in Lantian, Lintong District.) 52.32% of the cultivated land was highly suitable for muskmelon cultivation. Mainly distributed in Lintong, Huxian, Chang'an and Zhouzhi; suitable farmland accounted for 27.06, Chang'an, Lantian, Lintong and Zhouzhi distributed more; barely suitable farmland accounted for 10.29, and Lantian County distributed; unsuitable cultivated land accounted for 10.34 and concentrated in Lantian, Lintong and Zhou Chang.


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