发布时间:2018-08-02 13:49
【摘要】:目的:近年来,随着社会经济发展,甲亢的发病率与复发率与日俱增,病程超过2年的难治性甲亢患者数量逐年增多。目前甲亢西医药物治疗周期大概为2年,漫长的治疗周期导致患者医从性难以长期良好维持,使病情反复,病程更加迁延。多个研究表明,中西医结合治疗甲亢能够起到缩短治疗周期、减少西药不良反应、改善患者症状的作用。因此,本研究旨在通过收集甲亢病例,对病例信息进行统计分析,探索甲亢的中医证候分布特点,并观察病程超过2年的甲亢患者的临床病例特点,以期为日后攻破甲亢治疗难关、缩短疗程提供参考意见。方法:研究分为文献研究和临床研究两部分。文献研究从中医角度概况甲亢的病因病机、辨证分型及中医特色治疗,从西医角度归纳其发病机制和治疗研究进展。临床研究部分,通过调查自2015年6月至2016年1月在广州中医药大学第一附属医院内分泌科就诊的143例甲亢患者,对符合纳入标准的患者,参照伤寒论六经辨证及本院优势病种诊治标准,采用“二纲六目”分型。设置信息采集表,记录甲亢患者的一般情况及中医四诊信息、实验室检查结果等数据,对数据进行统计分析,总结甲亢患者的中医证候分布特点以及病程超过2年的甲亢患者的临床病例特点。成果:共纳入143例甲亢患者,分为A(病程在2年以内)、B(病程在2年以上)两组。其中A组患者占47.55%,B组占52.4596。一般情况方面,性别上,男性、女性分别占总数的30.07%、69.93%。年龄上,最小年龄11岁,最大年龄70岁,其中45岁以下患者占总数的70.63%。体重方面,BMI指数统计表明,低体重、标准体重、超重患者分别占总人数的16.8%、67.8%、15.4%。职业方面,以从事脑力活动或体力活动者为主,占总的69.23%。家族史方面,19.58%患者有明确的甲亢家族史。婚育方面,已婚已育者占总的65%。症状方面,出现频率最高的前三个症状分别是疲乏无力(56.64%)、烦躁易怒(54.55%)、心悸(43.36%)。32.17%患者表示生活压力较大。根据“二纲六目”辨证分型,结果显示:三阴阳虚寒湿证分布最多,占37.7696,少阳失枢,胆火内郁证占30.07%,少阳寒热错杂证占22.38%,余证型患者共占总的9.79%。阴证患者居多。其中,67.83%患者出现甲状腺肿大,48.25%患者眼球突出,19.5896患者有甲状腺结节,11.19%患者出现下肢黏液性水肿。甲状腺肿大、甲状腺结节、突眼征患者证型多见于三阴阳虚寒湿证及少阳失枢,胆火内郁证;下肢黏液性水肿患者多见于少阳失枢,胆火内郁证。18.18%为甲亢复发患者,25.17%患者出现肝损害,8.39%患者出现粒细胞减少,9.09%患者出现合并症或并发症,6.29%患者有甲亢药物过敏史。肝功能受损、粒细胞减少、甲亢药物过敏者证型多见于少阳失枢,胆火内郁证;复发患者多见于少阳失枢,胆火内郁证和少阳寒热错杂证;有合并症或并发症患者多见于三阴阳虚寒湿证和少阳失枢,胆火内郁证。37.21%女性患者有月经不调,月经后期占月经不调者的59.375%,其证型分布以阴证居多。统计表明:不同性别、职业在证型分布上差异均无显著性意义(胗0.05)。在甲功与证型分布方面,不同TSH水平分组在证型分布上差异有显著性意义(P=0.0020.01)。其中TSH0.01组与TSH 0.06-1.00组在证型分布上差异有显著性意义(P=0.0070.01),TSH0.01组与TSH1组在证型分布上差异有显著性意义(P=0.0040.01).TSH≤0.05患者证型分布以阳证居多,TSH≥0.06患者以阴证居多,阳证患者TSH水平普遍低于阴证患者。FT3水平在证型分布上有显著性差异(P=0.0020.01),其中三阴阳虚寒湿证与少阳失枢,胆火内郁证比较差异有显著性意义(P=0.0000.003),少阳失枢,胆火内郁证与少阳寒热错杂证比较差异有显著性意义(P=0.0020.003)。少阳失枢,胆火内郁证患者FT3水平高于三阴阳虚寒湿证及少阳寒热错杂证。FT4水平在证型分布上差异无显著性意义(P=0.0570.05)。不同TPOAb组在证型分布上无显著差异(P=-0.0620.05),19.58%患者TPOAb水平正常,其余患者均高于正常水平。不同TGAb组患者证型分布差异有显著性意义(P=0.0150.05),27.273%患者TGAb水平正常,其证型分布以阴证居多。综合TPOAb和TGAb统计学结果,多数患者自身抗体水平出现异常。B组甲亢患者证型分布:三阴阳虚寒湿证少阳失枢,胆火内郁证少阳寒热错杂证其他证候,以阴证居多。57.33%患者存在甲功异常,73.33%仍有临床症状,26.67%患者服药不规律。甲功正常组与异常组在症状方面比较差异无显著性意义(P=0.0670.05),服药情况比较差异无显著性意义(P=0.1810.05)。58.67%患者表现为烦躁易怒,37.33%患者有失眠情况,38.67%患者表示生活压力较大。A、B两组在复发情况(P=0.000)、粒细胞减少(P=0.010)、肝功能受损(P=-0.023)方面比较差异均有显著性意义(P0.05)。B组复发人数明显多于A组,在粒细胞减少及肝功能受损上明显少于A组。A、B两组间在证型分布及烦躁易怒、失眠、生活压力大、突眼征、甲状腺肿大、甲状腺结节、胫前黏液性水肿方面比较差异均无显著性意义(P0.05)。结论:143例甲亢患者中,以病程超过2年的甲亢患者居多。各中医证型所占比例分布:三阴阳虚寒湿证少阳失枢,胆火内郁证少阳寒热错杂证其他证候。以虚为主,病性虚实夹杂。本病好发于青年女性,老年人罕见,已婚人群为主,有一定遗传倾向。分布比例最大的前三个症状分别为疲乏无力、烦躁易怒、心悸。女性月经不调者以月经后期多见,其证型分布以阴证居多。体征上多见甲状腺肿大和突眼征,其中甲状腺肿大、甲状腺结节、突眼征患者多见于三阴阳虚寒湿证及少阳失枢,胆火内郁证;下肢黏液性水肿患者多见于少阳失枢,胆火内郁证。粒细胞减少、肝功能受损、甲亢药物过敏者主要见于少阳失枢,胆火内郁证;复发患者主要见于少阳失枢,胆火内郁证和少阳寒热错杂证;有合并症或并发症患者多见于三阴阳虚寒湿证和少阳失枢,胆火内郁证。在甲功方面,阳证患者TSH水平普遍低于阴证患者,少阳失枢,胆火内郁证患者FT3水平高于三阴阳虚寒湿证及少阳寒热错杂证,多数患者自身抗体水平出现异常。病程超过2年的甲亢患者证型分布以阴证居多,存在情志不调、生活压力大、医从性欠佳问题,更多见复发情况,而病程小于2年的患者更易出现粒细胞减少及肝功能受损。
[Abstract]:Objective: in recent years, with the development of social and economic development, the incidence and recurrence rate of hyperthyroidism have increased with each passing day. The number of patients with refractory hyperthyroidism in more than 2 years is increasing year by year. At present, the period of medicine treatment for hyperthyroidism is about 2 years, and the long period of treatment leads to a good maintenance of the patient's medicine from a long period, and the disease is repeated and the course of the disease is more deferred. Multiple studies have shown that the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can shorten the treatment cycle, reduce the adverse reaction of Western medicine and improve the symptoms of patients. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to collect the cases of hyperthyroidism, to analyze the case information, to explore the characteristics of the syndrome distribution of hyperthyroidism, and to observe the presence of hyperthyroidism in patients with the course of more than 2 years. The characteristics of the bed cases, in order to provide references for the treatment of hyperthyroidism in the future, and to shorten the course of treatment. Methods: the study is divided into two parts: literature research and clinical research. The literature studies the etiology and pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, syndrome differentiation and traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and summarize the pathogenesis and treatment research progress from the angle of Western medicine. In the study, 143 cases of hyperthyroidism in the Department of endocrinology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine from June 2015 to January 2016 were investigated. According to the syndrome of typhoid and the diagnosis and treatment of dominant diseases in the hospital, the "two class six order" classification was adopted. The information collection table was set up to record the hyperthyroidism patients. The general situation and the data of four diagnosis and laboratory examination of Chinese medicine and the results of laboratory examination were statistically analyzed, and the characteristics of TCM Syndrome Distribution in hyperthyroidism and the clinical case characteristics of hyperthyroidism patients for more than 2 years were summarized. The results were included in 143 cases of hyperthyroidism, divided into A (the course of disease within 2 years) and B (the course of disease more than 2 years) in two groups. The patients in group A accounted for 47.55%, and group B accounted for the general situation of 52.4596., gender, male and female accounted for 30.07% of the total, 69.93%. age, the minimum age 11 years and the maximum age of 70 years, of which the patients under 45 years of age accounted for the total number of 70.63%. weight, the BMI index statistics showed that low weight, standard weight, overweight patients accounted for 16.8%, 67 of the total number respectively. .8%, 15.4%. professional, mainly engaged in mental activity or physical activity, accounting for the total family history of 69.23%., 19.58% patients have a clear family history of hyperthyroidism. In marriage and childbirth, married children have the total 65%. symptoms, the highest frequency of the first three symptoms are fatigue weakness (56.64%), irritability (54.55%), palpitation (43.36%).32 .17% patients showed great pressure of life. According to the syndrome differentiation of "two classes and six orders", the results showed that three of yin and yang deficiency cold damp syndrome were distributed most, accounted for 37.7696, Shaoyang lost armature, 30.07% in biliary fire, 22.38% in Shaoyang cold and heat mishybrid syndrome, and most of the patients with residual syndrome type accounted for the majority of the total 9.79%. negative patients. 67.83% patients had thyroid enlargement, 48.25 % of the patients had protrusion of the eyeball, 19.5896 had thyroid nodules and 11.19% patients had mucinous edema of the lower extremities. Thyroid enlargement, thyroid nodule, and exophthalmos syndrome were mostly found in three yin and yang deficiency cold damp syndrome and Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation in the biliary fire; the patients with myxedema of the lower extremities were mostly seen in the Shaoyang loss armature, and the.18.18% in the choledocholia was a recurrence of hyperthyroidism. There were 25.17% patients with liver damage, 8.39% patients with granulocytic degeneration, 9.09% patients with complications or complications, 6.29% patients with hyperthyroidism allergy history. Liver function damage, granulocytic reduction, hyperthyroidism drug allergy syndrome mostly seen in Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation in the bile; most of the recurrent patients in the Shaoyang lost armature, the Qi stagnation within the bile fire and Shaoyang. Syndromes of cold and heat mismix; patients with complications or complications are often seen in three yin yang deficiency cold damp syndrome and Shaoyang lost armature. The.37.21% female patients in the cholera fire syndrome have irregular menstruation and 59.375% of the late menstrual period, whose syndrome distribution is mostly negative syndrome. Statistics show that there is no significant difference in the distribution of syndrome types between different sex. 0.05). In the distribution of thyroid function and syndrome type, there were significant differences in the distribution of TSH level between different levels of group (P=0.0020.01). There was significant difference in the distribution of syndrome type between group TSH0.01 and TSH 0.06-1.00 group (P=0.0070.01), and there was a significant difference in the distribution of syndrome type between group TSH0.01 and TSH1 group (P=0.0040.01).TSH < 0.05 patients. Most of the syndrome type distribution was Yang Syndrome, TSH more than 0.06 patients were mostly Yin Syndrome, and the TSH level of the positive syndrome patients was generally lower than that of the negative syndrome (P=0.0020.01). Among them, three yin and yang deficiency cold damp syndrome and Shaoyang lost armature were significant (P=0.0000.003), Shaoyang lost armature and qi stagnation syndrome in bile and fire. There was significant difference in the difference of cold and heat syndrome in Shaoyang (P=0.0020.003). There was no significant difference in the level of FT3 of the patients with deficiency cold and cold damp syndrome of yin and Yang and the.FT4 level of Shaoyang cold and heat in the syndrome distribution (P=0.0570.05). There was no significant difference in the distribution of syndrome types (P=-0.0620.05) in different TPOAb groups (P=-0.0620.05), and there was no significant difference in the distribution of syndrome type (P=-0.0620.05). The level of TPOAb was normal and the rest of the patients were higher than the normal level. There were significant differences in the distribution of syndrome types in the different TGAb groups (P=0.0150.05). 27.273% patients had normal TGAb level, and the distribution of syndrome type was mostly negative. Comprehensive TPOAb and TGAb statistical results showed that most of the patients' autoantibody level appeared in abnormal.B group hyperthyroidism syndrome type distribution: three yin. Yang deficiency and cold dampness syndrome of Shaoyang lost armature and other syndromes in Shaoyang cold and heat mishybrid syndrome, 73.33% patients with Yin Syndrome were abnormal in thyroid function, 73.33% still had clinical symptoms and 26.67% patients had irregular medication. There was no significant difference in symptoms between normal group and abnormal group (P=0.0670.05), and there was no significant difference in the situation of taking medicine. Significance (P=0.1810.05).58.67% patients showed irritability, 37.33% patients had insomnia, 38.67% patients indicated that life pressure was larger.A, B two groups in recurrence (P=0.000), granulocytic (P=0.010), liver function impairment (P=-0.023), the difference was significant (P0.05) group.B more recurrent than the A group, in the granulocytic reduction. The impairment of liver function was less than that of group A.A, and there was no significant difference between the two groups in the syndrome distribution and irritability, insomnia, life pressure, exophthalmos, thyroid enlargement, thyroid nodules, and pretibial myxedema (P0.05). Conclusion: among the 143 cases of hyperthyroidism, the majority of patients with hyperthyroidism for more than 2 years. The proportion distribution of syndrome type: three yin and yang deficiency cold damp syndrome, Shaoyang lost armature and other syndromes in Shaoyang cold and heat mishybrid syndrome in choledanic fire. The disease is mainly deficiency and false and solid. This disease is well sent to young women, old people are rare, married people are the dominant, and there are certain genetic tendencies. The first three symptoms of the largest distribution are tired and weak, irritable and irritable, respectively. Heart palpitations. Women with irregular menstruation are often seen in the late period of menstruation, whose syndrome distribution is mostly cloudy. There are more thyroid enlargement and exophthalmos on their physical signs, among which thyroid enlargement, thyroid nodules, and exophthalmos are often seen in three Yin Yang dampness damp syndrome and Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation in the bile. Depressive syndrome. Granulocytic reduction, liver function damage, hyperthyroidism drug allergy mainly seen in the Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation in the bile; the recurrent patients are mainly seen in Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation syndrome and Shaoyang cold and heat mishybrid syndrome; the patients with complications or complications are mostly seen in three yin yang deficiency cold damp syndrome and Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation syndrome. The level of TSH was generally lower than that of negative syndrome, Shaoyang lost armature, and the level of FT3 was higher than that of yin and yang deficiency cold damp syndrome and Shaoyang cold and heat mishybrid syndrome. The level of self antibody in most patients was abnormal. The distribution of hyperthyroidism in patients with hyperthyroidism in the course of more than 2 years was mostly Yin Syndrome, there was no emotional disorder, great pressure of life, and more problems of medical treatment, and more problems, more problems of medical treatment, and more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, and more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems and more problems. Recurrence was observed, and patients with a course less than 2 years were more likely to suffer from granulocytic reduction and impaired liver function.
[Abstract]:Objective: in recent years, with the development of social and economic development, the incidence and recurrence rate of hyperthyroidism have increased with each passing day. The number of patients with refractory hyperthyroidism in more than 2 years is increasing year by year. At present, the period of medicine treatment for hyperthyroidism is about 2 years, and the long period of treatment leads to a good maintenance of the patient's medicine from a long period, and the disease is repeated and the course of the disease is more deferred. Multiple studies have shown that the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can shorten the treatment cycle, reduce the adverse reaction of Western medicine and improve the symptoms of patients. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to collect the cases of hyperthyroidism, to analyze the case information, to explore the characteristics of the syndrome distribution of hyperthyroidism, and to observe the presence of hyperthyroidism in patients with the course of more than 2 years. The characteristics of the bed cases, in order to provide references for the treatment of hyperthyroidism in the future, and to shorten the course of treatment. Methods: the study is divided into two parts: literature research and clinical research. The literature studies the etiology and pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, syndrome differentiation and traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and summarize the pathogenesis and treatment research progress from the angle of Western medicine. In the study, 143 cases of hyperthyroidism in the Department of endocrinology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine from June 2015 to January 2016 were investigated. According to the syndrome of typhoid and the diagnosis and treatment of dominant diseases in the hospital, the "two class six order" classification was adopted. The information collection table was set up to record the hyperthyroidism patients. The general situation and the data of four diagnosis and laboratory examination of Chinese medicine and the results of laboratory examination were statistically analyzed, and the characteristics of TCM Syndrome Distribution in hyperthyroidism and the clinical case characteristics of hyperthyroidism patients for more than 2 years were summarized. The results were included in 143 cases of hyperthyroidism, divided into A (the course of disease within 2 years) and B (the course of disease more than 2 years) in two groups. The patients in group A accounted for 47.55%, and group B accounted for the general situation of 52.4596., gender, male and female accounted for 30.07% of the total, 69.93%. age, the minimum age 11 years and the maximum age of 70 years, of which the patients under 45 years of age accounted for the total number of 70.63%. weight, the BMI index statistics showed that low weight, standard weight, overweight patients accounted for 16.8%, 67 of the total number respectively. .8%, 15.4%. professional, mainly engaged in mental activity or physical activity, accounting for the total family history of 69.23%., 19.58% patients have a clear family history of hyperthyroidism. In marriage and childbirth, married children have the total 65%. symptoms, the highest frequency of the first three symptoms are fatigue weakness (56.64%), irritability (54.55%), palpitation (43.36%).32 .17% patients showed great pressure of life. According to the syndrome differentiation of "two classes and six orders", the results showed that three of yin and yang deficiency cold damp syndrome were distributed most, accounted for 37.7696, Shaoyang lost armature, 30.07% in biliary fire, 22.38% in Shaoyang cold and heat mishybrid syndrome, and most of the patients with residual syndrome type accounted for the majority of the total 9.79%. negative patients. 67.83% patients had thyroid enlargement, 48.25 % of the patients had protrusion of the eyeball, 19.5896 had thyroid nodules and 11.19% patients had mucinous edema of the lower extremities. Thyroid enlargement, thyroid nodule, and exophthalmos syndrome were mostly found in three yin and yang deficiency cold damp syndrome and Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation in the biliary fire; the patients with myxedema of the lower extremities were mostly seen in the Shaoyang loss armature, and the.18.18% in the choledocholia was a recurrence of hyperthyroidism. There were 25.17% patients with liver damage, 8.39% patients with granulocytic degeneration, 9.09% patients with complications or complications, 6.29% patients with hyperthyroidism allergy history. Liver function damage, granulocytic reduction, hyperthyroidism drug allergy syndrome mostly seen in Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation in the bile; most of the recurrent patients in the Shaoyang lost armature, the Qi stagnation within the bile fire and Shaoyang. Syndromes of cold and heat mismix; patients with complications or complications are often seen in three yin yang deficiency cold damp syndrome and Shaoyang lost armature. The.37.21% female patients in the cholera fire syndrome have irregular menstruation and 59.375% of the late menstrual period, whose syndrome distribution is mostly negative syndrome. Statistics show that there is no significant difference in the distribution of syndrome types between different sex. 0.05). In the distribution of thyroid function and syndrome type, there were significant differences in the distribution of TSH level between different levels of group (P=0.0020.01). There was significant difference in the distribution of syndrome type between group TSH0.01 and TSH 0.06-1.00 group (P=0.0070.01), and there was a significant difference in the distribution of syndrome type between group TSH0.01 and TSH1 group (P=0.0040.01).TSH < 0.05 patients. Most of the syndrome type distribution was Yang Syndrome, TSH more than 0.06 patients were mostly Yin Syndrome, and the TSH level of the positive syndrome patients was generally lower than that of the negative syndrome (P=0.0020.01). Among them, three yin and yang deficiency cold damp syndrome and Shaoyang lost armature were significant (P=0.0000.003), Shaoyang lost armature and qi stagnation syndrome in bile and fire. There was significant difference in the difference of cold and heat syndrome in Shaoyang (P=0.0020.003). There was no significant difference in the level of FT3 of the patients with deficiency cold and cold damp syndrome of yin and Yang and the.FT4 level of Shaoyang cold and heat in the syndrome distribution (P=0.0570.05). There was no significant difference in the distribution of syndrome types (P=-0.0620.05) in different TPOAb groups (P=-0.0620.05), and there was no significant difference in the distribution of syndrome type (P=-0.0620.05). The level of TPOAb was normal and the rest of the patients were higher than the normal level. There were significant differences in the distribution of syndrome types in the different TGAb groups (P=0.0150.05). 27.273% patients had normal TGAb level, and the distribution of syndrome type was mostly negative. Comprehensive TPOAb and TGAb statistical results showed that most of the patients' autoantibody level appeared in abnormal.B group hyperthyroidism syndrome type distribution: three yin. Yang deficiency and cold dampness syndrome of Shaoyang lost armature and other syndromes in Shaoyang cold and heat mishybrid syndrome, 73.33% patients with Yin Syndrome were abnormal in thyroid function, 73.33% still had clinical symptoms and 26.67% patients had irregular medication. There was no significant difference in symptoms between normal group and abnormal group (P=0.0670.05), and there was no significant difference in the situation of taking medicine. Significance (P=0.1810.05).58.67% patients showed irritability, 37.33% patients had insomnia, 38.67% patients indicated that life pressure was larger.A, B two groups in recurrence (P=0.000), granulocytic (P=0.010), liver function impairment (P=-0.023), the difference was significant (P0.05) group.B more recurrent than the A group, in the granulocytic reduction. The impairment of liver function was less than that of group A.A, and there was no significant difference between the two groups in the syndrome distribution and irritability, insomnia, life pressure, exophthalmos, thyroid enlargement, thyroid nodules, and pretibial myxedema (P0.05). Conclusion: among the 143 cases of hyperthyroidism, the majority of patients with hyperthyroidism for more than 2 years. The proportion distribution of syndrome type: three yin and yang deficiency cold damp syndrome, Shaoyang lost armature and other syndromes in Shaoyang cold and heat mishybrid syndrome in choledanic fire. The disease is mainly deficiency and false and solid. This disease is well sent to young women, old people are rare, married people are the dominant, and there are certain genetic tendencies. The first three symptoms of the largest distribution are tired and weak, irritable and irritable, respectively. Heart palpitations. Women with irregular menstruation are often seen in the late period of menstruation, whose syndrome distribution is mostly cloudy. There are more thyroid enlargement and exophthalmos on their physical signs, among which thyroid enlargement, thyroid nodules, and exophthalmos are often seen in three Yin Yang dampness damp syndrome and Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation in the bile. Depressive syndrome. Granulocytic reduction, liver function damage, hyperthyroidism drug allergy mainly seen in the Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation in the bile; the recurrent patients are mainly seen in Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation syndrome and Shaoyang cold and heat mishybrid syndrome; the patients with complications or complications are mostly seen in three yin yang deficiency cold damp syndrome and Shaoyang lost armature, qi stagnation syndrome. The level of TSH was generally lower than that of negative syndrome, Shaoyang lost armature, and the level of FT3 was higher than that of yin and yang deficiency cold damp syndrome and Shaoyang cold and heat mishybrid syndrome. The level of self antibody in most patients was abnormal. The distribution of hyperthyroidism in patients with hyperthyroidism in the course of more than 2 years was mostly Yin Syndrome, there was no emotional disorder, great pressure of life, and more problems of medical treatment, and more problems, more problems of medical treatment, and more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, and more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, more problems, more problems, more problems of medical treatment, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems, more problems and more problems. Recurrence was observed, and patients with a course less than 2 years were more likely to suffer from granulocytic reduction and impaired liver function.
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1 谢欣颖;朱章志;张莹莹;林明欣;王t熈,