[Abstract]:The problem of local government debt risk is an important factor affecting the world's economic stability. In 2008, when the international financial crisis broke out, the central government issued a "four trillion" economic stimulus plan to prevent China's economic fluctuations from becoming too intense. At this time, local governments chose to raise more funds in response to the call of the central government. Therefore, since 2009, the issue of local government debt risk has aroused widespread concern. According to relevant statistics, by the end of June 2013, the local government debt of our country has reached 18 trillion yuan. Whether such a huge debt scale will cause a new round of economic crisis is impossible for us to return. According to the Budget Law, local governments have no right to issue bonds independently. At the same time, local fiscal expenditure demand is increasing under the dual effects of the central government's policy stimulus and the constantly exaggerated economic scale. Therefore, local governments can only raise funds through various financing channels. Therefore, the scale of local government debt is expanding constantly, but the corresponding supervision and repayment system construction is relatively backward, the accumulation of debt risk and the lack of risk control measures have formed a sharp contrast, such a huge debt risk if not studied and supervised, will inevitably lead to China's economic development and social stability. Firstly, this paper combs and enumerates the mainstream theories of government debt, among which the famous theories of public debt and fiscal decentralization can provide theoretical guidance for the governance of local government debt risk in China. One of the most important aspects of the reform of the tax-sharing system is the division of powers and expenditure responsibilities between the central and local governments. Considering a series of factors such as unbalanced economic development in various regions of China, the trend of annual growth of local debt is undeniable. Although local government debt meets the financial needs of social development to a certain extent, the huge debt scale hidden behind it can not be ignored. Quantitative analysis, this paper uses the intertemporal budget constraint model to discuss whether the local government debt is sustainable in the long run, and then provides policy basis for the risk early warning of local government debt. From the perspective of the economic development process in the world, the expansion of the scale of local government debt is an inevitable trend, so how to regulate local government debt by system, so as to ensure the government's trust The last part of the article puts forward the corresponding solutions to the current local government debt risk. The article holds that first of all, we must improve the structure of fiscal revenue and expenditure to reasonably increase the local government's revenue and improve the local government's solvency. Secondly, we should take the form of law as soon as possible. Finally, it is necessary to improve the financing channels and supervision system of local governments, and implement the assessment mechanism and evaluation mechanism.
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