[Abstract]:Since the bursting of Japan's bubble economy in the early 1990s, the economy has been in a doldrums. The tax system, which is dominated by direct taxes, has restricted the increase of the Japanese government's fiscal revenue, as well as the increasing old-age pension and medical expenditure brought about by the aging of the Japanese government. Japan's budget is more than it needs, and its deficit is serious. In order to get rid of the predicament, the Japanese government has gradually carried out tax reform, reduced direct taxes such as income tax, and increased consumption tax to increase fiscal revenue. The consumption tax implemented in Japan is the consumption tax in the general sense, that is, all final consumer goods and consumption behavior are taxed, and all tax objects are taxed at the same rate. This consumption tax base is universal, easy to collect, and conducive to raising government revenue. On the one hand, it has a direct effect on producers and consumers, and on the other hand, it affects investment and consumption behavior, thus affecting economic growth. On the other hand, the government regulates the allocation of resources and economic operation through public expenditure. Indirect effects on macroeconomic growth. In order to explore the effect and extent of Japan's increasing consumption tax on the economy, the author makes an analysis through theoretical and empirical methods, and tries to make a realistic judgment, and at the same time compares the existing problems in China's current economy and tax system. Put forward feasible suggestions. First of all, the article analyzes the reasons for the tax increase in Japan's consumption tax, the long-term economic downturn, the decrease of tax revenue, the large scale of national debt, the heavy debt burden, the aging of minority children and the exacerbation of the financial burden, etc., which prompted Japan to reform its tax system. Consumption tax with its own advantages and characteristics has become the first choice of tax reform. Secondly, combining the theory of economic growth with the mechanism of tax on economic growth, this paper analyzes the economic effect of Japan's consumption tax increase by means of mathematical analysis and econometric analysis. The conclusion shows that at the beginning of the tax increase of consumption tax, some factors, such as higher price level, will have a certain restraining effect on consumption. In the long run, the tax increase of consumption tax can support the government to increase investment in pension, medical treatment, infrastructure and so on, which is conducive to economic growth. So consumption tax revenue and economic growth can promote each other, there is a positive correlation. Finally, by analyzing the aging problem and the current economic situation in China, the author puts forward the lessons that Japan's consumption tax reform can bring to the reform of China's fiscal and taxation system.
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