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With the implementation of monetary policy,stock market may produce wealth effect to influence consumptian expenditure and Q effect to influence investment expenditure,which will influence the total output in turn.
Econometric Model of Production and Total Output of Fujian Province
Acording to this definition,the total output expenential system by using the exponential system principle is that output index egualled the produt rate of integrated factor times input factors.
This paper brings out the defects of education years method on the basis of analysis and introduces another method based on income, which uses the average total output per person in a certain area divided by the average wage of pure physical labor in this area, and collects dada to compare the human capital in 31 provinces in China.
本文给出了基于成本的教育年限法的缺陷, 介绍了计量人力资本的另一种方法, 即用一个地区的人均总产出除以该地区纯体力劳动者的平均工资, 并通过搜集实际数据计算比较我国 31 个省(市、自治区) 的人力资本水平。
The paper establishes an econometric simultaneous equation model to reflect the relationship between production and total output of Fujian province, makes historical simulation and post forecast, and analyzes output structure.
The effect of financial openness on the economic has a visual expression of financial institutions and function, and in static state, the effect can be showed in this way: to improve the gross output by improving the effective and efficiency of investment;
The Methodological Discussion on Accounting Gross Output and Its Theoretic Criterion
The social gross output will respectively decrease 136.015, 270.03 and 408.044 billion yuan when the emission of C02 in electricity department decreases 5%, 10% and 15%.
We find that there are unidirectional causalities from gross output, and secondary industry output, and primary industry output of Chongqing to financial development.
Industrial economic benefit fluctuates more markedly than gross output.
The results show that productions of black carp, common carp and bream carp are respectively accounted for 82.49, 78.03 and 79.34% of total energy output in the ponds with net production levels of 7.5, 11.25 and 25.15t/ha.
结果表明,主养青鱼净产7.5、11.25、15t/ha 3个产量级型池塘青鲤团头鲂产出能占养鱼总产出能的比例分别为82.49、78.03、79.34%;
The ECE of total energy input (including solar and supplementaty energies)converted into total energy output of fish is 0.19, 0.24 and 0.31%, and that of solar radiation energy converted into gross or net primary productivity is 0.76, 0.90 and 0.96% or 0.61, 0.72 and 0.77% respectively.
总投入能(太阳辐射能+辅助能)转移到鱼的总产出能转换率分别为0.19、0.24、0.31%; 太阳辐射能转移到毛和净初级生产力的能量转换率分别为0.76、0.90、0.96%和0.61、0.72、0.77%;
Empirical results from panel cointegration tests indicate that there is a strong positive long-run cointegrating relationship both between capital accumulation and R&D & R&D spillovers and between output growth and R&D & R&D spillovers.
Therefore,we have to analyze the structure change of agriculture production input factors and apply SDA to analyze related factors.
The benefits analysis show that, compared with the forecast level, total product increased 745.91 hundred million yuan ,and GDP increased 182 hundred million yuan ,while total consumed water reduce 10. 463 hundred million m3 and total pollution level reduced in 6.15%.
total output
In the experiments, the threshold currents Ith>amp;lt;10 mA, a total output power of 0.5 mW/facet, and a single-mode power of 0.43 mW at 77 K in the cw regime were obtained.
The total output energy at a wavelength of 1316 nm was found to be (30±5) J for ~100-μs-wide pulses.
Oscillograms of the pumping current and output radiation intensity were measured and the total output radiation power was determined.
The power of the total output UV radiation and the main emission peak at λ = 206.2 nm were studied as dependent on the electric power supplied to the glow discharge and on the partial pressure of helium in the He-I2 mixture.
The total output power of the excilamp immediately upon discharge ignition exceeds 50 W.
gross output
One basic task in the construction of an 11 western state multiregional input-output table is the preparation of reliable estimates of the value of gross output for the sectors comprising agriculture.
With this in mind, the potential effects of a policy to decrease the gross output of the agricultural sector in the economy of the Hokkaido region are evaluated using a mixed input-output model.
The gross output of the agricultural sector is specified exogenously, and the potential effects of a policy to subsidize the agricultural sector are evaluated.
The main sets of results are derived as outputs from the MIO model: gross output and employment by zone, by sector, by income group, and by repercussion type.
The purpose of this paper is to propose an extension of the conventional input-output forecasting technique to allow projection of gross output of product-specific sectors.
total benefit
It is allocated among many sub-areas that composed the water-shorted area, in order to maximize the total benefit from the input water for the areas.
These data, combined with data from photosynthetic uptake experiments, indicate that14C uptake underestimates the total benefit of photosynthesis by 50% or more in chloroplastretaining ciliates.
Beneficial end uses are unlikely to be without environmental impacts, however, and a proper consideration of the total benefit to the community should consider them.
Here, the distribution of total benefit is more particularly explained from the viewpoints of economic sections and functions.
Following this intuition, we introduce ExAMiner, a breadth-first algorithm that exploits the real synergy of antimonotone and monotone constraints: the total benefit is greater than the sum of the two individual benefits.
This paper expounds the status of growth,yield and quality of Chinese Actinidia planted in the soil loss area of weathered granite and details with the amelioration of soil in experimental site. This paper also conducts systematic analysis on total input-and-output and input-and-output of economic crop interplantcd in the experimental site. The results indicate that the average annual input and output of the experimental site are 553 and 903 yuan per mu respectively and the ratio of output to input is 169. 3%...
This paper expounds the status of growth,yield and quality of Chinese Actinidia planted in the soil loss area of weathered granite and details with the amelioration of soil in experimental site. This paper also conducts systematic analysis on total input-and-output and input-and-output of economic crop interplantcd in the experimental site. The results indicate that the average annual input and output of the experimental site are 553 and 903 yuan per mu respectively and the ratio of output to input is 169. 3% for 5 years. In the fifth year,a net profit of more than 1800 yuan per mu is gained. It is proved that introducing Chinese Actinidia in the soil loss area of weathered granite is feasible and has obvious effect.
It is practically helpful for making trade policy to answer how foreign trade influences China s tax revenue. In this paper, we provide a tax model by modifying the 1-2-3 model, in which the total products are divided into four categories according to their different tax characters. Theoretical analysis shows that foreign trade has positive effects on tax. According to our measurement, increasing export by 1 Yuan RMB will increase tax by 0.4 to 0.5 Yuan in one year. Empirical evidences based on Granger causality...
It is practically helpful for making trade policy to answer how foreign trade influences China s tax revenue. In this paper, we provide a tax model by modifying the 1-2-3 model, in which the total products are divided into four categories according to their different tax characters. Theoretical analysis shows that foreign trade has positive effects on tax. According to our measurement, increasing export by 1 Yuan RMB will increase tax by 0.4 to 0.5 Yuan in one year. Empirical evidences based on Granger causality test and a vector error correction model show that export shock has long and positive effects on the tax.
This paper applies minimum multiple LM unit-root testing to Chinese output over the period of 1952-2004. It is found that all series can be more accurately characterized as a segmented-trend-stationary process around one or two structural breaks as opposed to a stochastic unit root process with breaks. The conclusions have important implications for policy-makers to formulate economic forecasts,long-term growth strategy and short-run stabilization policies as well as causality analysis among series.
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