[Abstract]:In recent years, China's economy has ended its sustained high-speed growth and then entered the so-called "new normal" model. Under the background of "new normal", although China's economic growth rate has declined, it has also laid a foundation for the structural adjustment and optimization and upgrading of China's economy, and has created conditions for the deepening of financial reform. As the core of modern market economy, financial industry plays a key role in promoting economic growth and development. Under the background of "new normal", with the increasing downward pressure of China's economy, we must pay attention to the important role that financial deepening reform can play. Only by advancing financial deepening and financial system reform step by step to match financial development with economic development can finance serve the economic development better and create new growth points for our economy. Therefore, how to promote China's financial deepening reform under the background of "new normal" is of great importance to the development of China's financial industry and the transformation and growth of China's economy. In such a realistic background, it is necessary to re-analyze the inherent logical relationship between financial deepening and economic growth and the transmission mechanism of this kind of influence. This paper first constructs the economic growth model including financial efficiency, and demonstrates the influence of financial deepening on economic growth from the theoretical point of view, thus laying a foundation for further empirical analysis; secondly, On the basis of theoretical analysis, this paper constructs relevant econometric models for the problem of financial deepening on China's economy and its transmission channels. The static panel model is used to analyze the panel data of 30 provinces and autonomous regions in China, and the influence of financial deepening on economic growth and the channel of transmission mechanism are analyzed. Combining the results of theoretical and econometric empirical tests, the author finds that the improvement of financial sector efficiency brought about by financial deepening has a significant impact on the regional economic growth in China. Positive role: and financial deepening affects China's economic growth mainly through three transmission channels, namely, material capital, human capital and technological innovation caused by RD R & D investment. But the results of the metrological significance test of these three channels show that the channel effect of material capital and human capital is significant, but the channel effect represented by RD investment is not significant, which may be due to the property right system at present in our country. At the end of the article, the author provides some suggestions for China's financial reform.
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