[Abstract]:With the prosperity and development of financial market and the innovation of financial products, the trading structure of the products provided by various financial institutions, especially commercial banks, is becoming more and more novel and complex, and derivatives are emerging in endlessly, and the degree of risk is increasing day by day. Especially in the current economic situation, some major customers default events and rigid payment and other multi-factor risk information continue to emerge, the main participants in the financial industry-commercial banks in a more complex environment, need to deal with a lot of difficulties and challenges. Therefore, the correct identification and control of credit risk is particularly important. In this context, the existing traditional risk management tools in the identification, measurement, control can not fully meet the needs of the development of the situation. How to improve the current means and methods of risk management and control, and make the risk measurement and control become more quality, more objective and more effective, is a common problem to be solved urgently in modern commercial banks. Domestic and foreign theories and empirical results show that the use of risk management and control of commercial banks based on VaR model will solve most of the above problems to a large extent and the application of the model is more and more widely spread. At the same time, the Basel Committee requires that it is necessary for conditional banks to combine the internal model of commercial banks with the VaR value in order to calculate the amount of capital to meet the requirements of market risk. And the G20 suggests that the VaR model can be used to measure the risk of derivatives, which is the best tool to measure and manage market risk. At present, VaR method has been used and popularized by most foreign financial institutions, and as one of the main methods to measure and manage risk. Domestic conditional commercial banks are also trying to use VaR model, or risk measurement by risk control department, supervision by regulators, or internal performance evaluation by management, etc. This paper begins with the definition of credit risk in commercial banks, summarizes the characteristics of credit risk and the relatively important methods of management and control, and introduces the representative model: Credit Portfolio View model in this field as much as possible. Credit Metrics model and Credit Risk model, respectively, explain its operation principle, hypothetical condition, and carry on the comparative analysis, analyzed the domestic credit risk control present situation; After that, the development and popularization of VaR model in this field is introduced in detail, and the conclusion is drawn: at present, it is more suitable to use Credit Risk model to measure the credit risk of domestic banking industry. In the aspect of empirical analysis, some industry data in Henan Branch of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. are used, and the Credit Risk model is used to verify the feasibility and maneuverability of the model. Compared with the commercial bank's own prediction results, the quantitative results of the model are more reliable, but at the same time, it also points out the shortcomings of the model, based on the model is established under certain assumptions. If the predicted results are not necessarily consistent with reality when the assumptions change, or if the macroeconomic environment changes, the predicted results may differ greatly from the actual ones. Therefore, this paper points out that the commercial banks in our country should choose the appropriate model and modify the model parameters according to the objective situation when using the relevant models. Finally, this paper summarizes the situation of credit risk management and management in China, and puts forward several suggestions, such as perfecting and promoting the construction of credit rating system, establishing and cultivating the concept of domestic risk quantification, and increasing the support of human resources. Establish and improve the financial market laws and regulations system.
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