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发布时间:2019-03-26 16:40
【摘要】:我国农村经济发展缓慢,新的农村管理模式可以推进经济的发展,但各种日常综合事务仍依靠人工的工作方式,长时间积累的大量纸质文件信息和数据没有进行科学的管理和规范,导致无法准确和及时地采集、整理、查找、更新和维护各种村务信息,给农村基层管理工作都带来了不少的困难,严重影响了管理人员的工作效率。随着互联网技术的飞速发展,在经济全球化的今天,我国农业的不断改革,农业信息化的理念在农业经济发展中地位越来越重要。上述效率低下的工作模式已经不能满足新农村工作的需要,为了解决当前面临的问题,设计和开发一个农村综合信息管理系统可以做到规范信息管理、及时查询、科学统计分析,实现各村镇、县、市、省间的信息共享,实现农村办公模式的信息化、自动化,从而提高基层政府的执政能力和社会服务能力。系统采用MyEclipse开发平台进行开发,选择oracle 11g作为系统的数据库,运用java技术规范,在windows server 2008应用服务器上实现架构。论文运用软件工程理论与农村基层服务管理实际相结合,详细介绍了系统的设计与开发过程。首先,阐述了系统的开发背景,明确了系统开发现实的意义,并对国内外相关研究现状进行了文献查阅,描述了系统的研究内容和框架结构;其次,对系统进行了详细的功能用例分析和需求分析;再次,在需求分析的基础上,完成了详细的功能设计和数据库设计;最后介绍了系统实现过程,及通过测试用例对系统功能进行测试。系统的完成,不仅按照实际需求实现土地信息、财务信息、成本信息、居民信息、社会保障信息、党群信息、剩余产品信息、合作社信息、养殖信息、种植信息、农业科技成果信息的管理及农业数据库统计分析等功能,同时也保证了系统的安全性、易用性、可维护性。系统的应用为农村工作人员提高了办事效率,为各级农业管理工作降低了管理成本,使农业信息数据维护工作简单化、规范化、标准化、系统化、自动化。为加快推进城乡一体化、加快农村经济发展做出一定的贡献。
[Abstract]:The rural economy of our country develops slowly, the new rural management mode can promote the economic development, but all kinds of daily comprehensive affairs still depend on the manual work mode. The large amount of paper file information and data accumulated over a long period of time has not been scientifically managed and standardized, resulting in the inability to accurately and timely collect, collate, find, update and maintain various village affairs information. It has brought a lot of difficulties to the rural grass-roots management, and seriously affected the efficiency of the managers. With the rapid development of Internet technology and today's economic globalization, the concept of agricultural informatization plays an increasingly important role in the development of agricultural economy with the continuous reform of agriculture in our country. The above-mentioned inefficient mode of work can no longer meet the needs of the new rural work. In order to solve the current problems, the design and development of a rural integrated information management system can achieve standardized information management and timely inquiry. Through scientific statistical analysis, the information sharing among villages, counties, cities and provinces can be realized, and the informatization and automation of rural office mode will be realized, so as to improve the ruling ability and social service ability of grass-roots government. The system is developed with MyEclipse development platform, oracle 11g is chosen as the database of the system, and java technical specification is used to implement the architecture on windows server 2008 application server. In this paper, the design and development process of the system is introduced in detail by combining the software engineering theory with the practice of rural grass-roots service management. Firstly, this paper expounds the development background of the system, clarifies the practical significance of the system development, and makes reference to the relevant research status at home and abroad, and describes the research content and frame structure of the system. Secondly, the system has carried on the detailed function use case analysis and the requirement analysis; thirdly, on the basis of the requirement analysis, has completed the detailed function design and the database design; Finally, the implementation process of the system is introduced, and the function of the system is tested by the test case. The completion of the system not only realizes land information, financial information, cost information, resident information, social security information, party and mass information, surplus product information, cooperative information, breeding information, planting information, according to the actual needs, The management of agricultural scientific and technological achievement information and the statistical analysis of agricultural database also guarantee the security, ease of use and maintainability of the system. The application of the system improves the efficiency of work for rural workers, reduces the management cost for agricultural management at all levels, and simplifies, standardizes, systematizes and automates the maintenance of agricultural information data. In order to accelerate the integration of urban and rural areas, speed up the development of rural economy to make certain contributions.


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