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发布时间:2017-12-31 10:20

  本文关键词:区域环境财政政策竞争及其对环境污染影响研究 出处:《华侨大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 环境财政政策 财政分权 地方政府竞争 环境污染

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has made rapid development, but environmental pollution has become increasingly serious national environmental statistics bulletin.<2014 > show, China is one of the world's most polluted countries at the same time, environmental pollution has become the focus of the central government and the issue of universal concern. For reasons of environmental pollution in China at present. The main domestic and foreign development stage theory, resource endowment theory, carries on the explanation of the mode of economic growth theory and other related theories. And explore the reasons of environment pollution from the perspective of the system of literature, especially the effect of local government competition on environmental pollution is still in the initial stage. In the study of the competition of local governments, local governments in the study more competition in the financial, and in the study of interactive competition of regional environmental fiscal policy is less. Because of fiscal decentralization is the competition of local governments for the original system. This paper first summarizes the theory of fiscal decentralization in the literature, and then summarizes the competition and environmental pollution on the local government documents, and carries on the review. Secondly, in the theoretical analysis, this paper establishes two stage game model of local government and enterprise, and this paper puts forward the interaction and regional environment fiscal policy and fiscal policy competition environment competition three propositions related to the pollution of the environment. Thirdly, based on the national and provincial environmental fiscal expenditure data on the descriptive statistics and spatial autocorrelation test, through empirical methods and different models, once again proving that the proposition specifically: (1) the use of dynamic spatial panel data model, the fiscal policy of regional competition environment in geography in the results of the regression weights are significantly positive, that China's local government The fiscal policy is used to compare with each other the assimilation policy, there is an interaction of competition; (2) using the method of cluster analysis, the degree of competition to measure the regional environment of fiscal policy, and the degree of competition in some key provinces of the longitudinal comparison, the dynamic competition path; (3) the use of panel data with cross terms the model indicates that regional environmental fiscal policy competition is one of the causes of environmental pollution, and China fiscal decentralization, through the strengthening of regional environmental fiscal policy competition, further aggravated the environmental pollution.



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