本文关键词: 习近平 经济思想 方法论 特点 出处:《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》2017年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The core of Xi Jinping's economic thought is the reform and opening up, which is essentially the inheritance and development of the wisdom of Deng Xiaoping's economic reform, which can be found through the literature analysis of the formation and development process of Xi Jinping's economic thought. He has a long practice of establishing and developing the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics, has accumulated rich experience and made deep thinking. Xi Jinping's economic thought has the distinct Marxism time characteristic, at the same time has constituted the unique system characteristic and the theory innovation under the unceasing historical condition. The methodology determines the economic thought value guidance. The logical starting point and basic path are a key to understand the economic thoughts of ancient and modern countries, and to analyze the methodological characteristics of Xi Jinping's economic thought, such as practice first, market orientation, openness and compatibility, etc. For us to fully grasp the characteristics of Xi Jinping's economic thoughts, the characteristics of the system and theoretical innovation, to learn and understand his new judgment, new views, new decisions, new measures. Unremitting expand the innovation road of economic reform, have important meaning.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院经济研究所;
【正文快照】: 方法论决定经济思想的价值引领、逻辑起点和基本路径。习近平经济思想是在改革开放的时代背景下产生、形成和发展的。方法论在经济思想的构成中处于基础和引领的重要地位。在习近平经济思想的方法论中,实践第一、市场取向和开放兼容是显著的特点所在。对此进行文献梳理和理论
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