本文选题:项目教学法 + 高职 ; 参考:《企业导报》2016年15期
[Abstract]:The project teaching method is that under the guidance of the teacher, a relatively independent project is handed over to the students for their own processing. The collection of information, the design of the project, the implementation of the project and the final evaluation are all carried out by the students themselves, and the students carry out the project through the project.The essence of understanding and grasping the basic requirements of the whole process and every link is to emphasize the learner's cognitive subject function and to give full play to the teacher's leading role.The foundation of economics is a practical and operable course for the relevant specialties such as economics and management in higher vocational colleges. For the training goal of higher vocational colleges, we should pay more attention to its practical teaching.As a practical teaching method, project teaching method should be widely used in higher vocational education.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江信息技术职业学院;
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