本文选题:邓小平 + 非均衡发展思想 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2002年硕士论文
【摘要】: 邓小平经济非均衡发展思想是邓小平在探索“什么是社会主义,如何建设社会主义”的过程中,运用辩证思维思考中国问题,全面吸收马列主义经典作家经济思想的精华,借鉴西方经济学中相关理论,结合我国实际形成和发展起来的。对该思想研究,不仅使我们可以对该思想的渊源、沿革、内涵、特征等有所理解;还可以加深对我国目前宏观经济制度和运行机制的合理性和正确性的认识,同时也有助于对我国未来经济建设的理论创新。 本文由四部分组成: 第一部分,探讨了邓小平经济非均衡发展思想的渊源。 这部分主要包括:(一)西方经济学中“非瓦尔拉均衡”理论和赫希曼的不平衡增长理论为邓小平经济非均衡发展思想的形成提供了理论借鉴。(二)马克思主义经典作家关于平衡与不平衡的辩证思想是邓小平经济非均衡发展思想的理论源泉和哲学基础。(三)邓小平经济非均衡发展思想涵盖了社会主义初级阶段的经济结构、发展战略、基本经济制度等方面的不均衡性。 第二部分,论述了邓小平经济非均衡发展思想的沿革。 主要包括:(一)和平与发展是邓小平经济非均衡发展思想形成的时代背景;建国以来的经验教训是该思想形成的历史积淀。(二)邓小平经济非均衡发展思想提出于改革开放之初,发展于改革开放过程之中。(三)邓小平经济非均衡发展思想自1992年以后逐步走向完善,尤其是“十五大”以来,以江泽民为首的第三代领导集体进一步完善了该思想。 第三部分,剖析了邓小平经济非均衡发展思想的具体体现。 主要内容是:(一)主要从经济发展空间上的非均衡性即区域经济非均衡发展、产业发展政策的非均衡性即基础产业重点发展论、经济发展速度上的非均衡性即台阶式发展、经济发展时间上非均衡性即 三步走战略等方面论证了经济运行方式的不平衡性。(二)主要从现阶 段经济结构调整,即建立以公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展 的所有制结构;分配体制上的突破,即建立以按劳分配为主体,,多种 分配方式并存的分配制度这两个方面论证了目前基本经济制度的非均 衡性。(三)通过对社会主义本质三个层面的分析,论证了关于社会主 义本质的论断是从深层次体现了邓小平非均衡发展思想。 第四部分,总结了邓小平经济非均衡发展思想的理论特征和意 义。 包括:(一)该思想主要具有:前瞻性、求实性、辩证统一性、创 新性等理论特征八二)该思想主要具有以下几个方面的意义:首先, 该思想丰富和发展了马克思主义政治经济学:其次,该思想的运用推 进了思想解放的进程;第三,该思想解诀了人们思想上的某些误区; 第四,该思想为我国经济发展理论创新提供了新思路;最后,该思想 为我国经济建设提供了实践依据。
[Abstract]:In the process of exploring "what is socialism and how to build socialism", Deng Xiaoping's idea of unbalanced development of economy is that in the process of exploring "what is socialism and how to build socialism", Deng Xiaoping uses dialectical thinking to think about China's problems, absorbs the essence of the economic thought of Marxism Leninist classic writers, draws on the related theories of western economics, and forms and develops in combination with China's reality. The study of this idea not only makes it possible for us to understand the origin, evolution, connotation and characteristics of the thought, but also can deepen the understanding of the rationality and correctness of the current macroeconomic and operational mechanisms in our country, and also help to innovate the theory of the future economic construction of our country.
This paper consists of four parts:
The first part discusses the origin of Deng Xiaoping's idea of unbalanced economic development.
This part mainly includes: (1) the theory of "non Walla equilibrium" in western economics and Hirshman's unbalanced growth theory provide theoretical reference for the formation of Deng Xiaoping's economic disequilibrium development thought. (two) the theory of Marx's classic writers' argument on balance and imbalance is the theory of the unbalanced development of Deng Xiaoping's economy. On the basis of source and philosophy. (three) Deng Xiaoping's thought of unbalanced development of economy covers the imbalance in the economic structure of the primary stage of socialism, the development strategy, the basic economic system and so on.
The second part discusses the evolution of Deng Xiaoping's idea of unbalanced economic development.
Mainly include: (1) peace and development are the background of the formation of Deng Xiaoping's economic disequilibrium development thought; the experience and lessons since the founding of the people's Republic are the historical accumulation of the thought. (two) the thought of Deng Xiaoping's economic disequilibrium development was developed at the beginning of the reform and opening up, and developed in the process of reform and opening up. (three) the unbalanced development of Deng Xiaoping's economy Since 1992, the idea has been gradually improving. Especially since the 15th National Congress of the CPC, the third generation of collective leadership led by Jiang Zemin has further perfected the idea.
The third part analyzes the concrete embodiment of Deng Xiaoping's idea of unbalanced economic development.
The main contents are: (1) the non equilibrium of the economic development space is the unbalanced development of the regional economy, the non equilibrium of the industrial development policy is the key development theory of the basic industry, the non equilibrium in the speed of economic development is the step development, and the time of economic development is uneven.
The three step strategy demonstrates the imbalance of the economic operation mode. (two) mainly from the present stage.
The adjustment of economic structure is the establishment of public ownership as the main body and the development of a diversified ownership economy.
A breakthrough in the distribution system is the establishment of distribution according to work as the main body.
The two aspects of the distribution system coexist in the distribution mode demonstrate the inequality of the basic economic system at present.
Balance. (three) through the analysis of the three levels of socialist essence, we have demonstrated that the social owners
The assertion of the essence of justice embodies Deng Xiaoping's idea of unbalanced development from a deeper level.
The fourth part summarizes the theoretical characteristics and ideas of Deng Xiaoping's theory of unbalanced economic development.
It includes: (1) the main ideas are: forward-looking, realistic, dialectical and unified.
New characteristics and other theoretical characteristics 82) the thought mainly has the following aspects: first,
The thought enriched and developed Marx's Political Economy: secondly, the application of the thought.
In the process of ideological emancipation, third, this thought has solved some misunderstandings in people's minds.
Fourth, this idea provides a new idea for the theoretical innovation of China's economic development.
It provides a practical basis for China's economic construction.
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