[Abstract]:Analysis of the phenomenon of overcapacity, in theory can be from different angles. From the point of view of Marxist political economy, the problem of overcapacity in a country's economy is closely related to three factors, namely, insufficient demand, imbalance of categories and excess capital. The interdepartmental competition of capital and the mechanism of capital accumulation are decided. From the point of view of open economy, global overcapacity is intrinsically related to the shrinking demand in the world market and the intensification of global competition. Among the various causes of the problem of overcapacity, Neoliberal theories and policies are the main factors contributing to global overcapacity. The privatization, deregulation and financial liberalization of neoliberalism have exacerbated the global imbalance between aggregate supply and demand. The problem of overcapacity in China not only needs to change the mode of foreign economic development, but also needs to push supply-side structural reform internally, while avoiding the interference of neoliberalism.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院马克思主义研究院;
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