[Abstract]:Water resource is a complex coupling system, which is combined with the development of human society and the environment of survival. The study of water resources price is carried out gradually under the background of resource economics. It is an important part of the study of natural resources price.
The paper systematically studies the pricing of water resources by means of empirical research and normative research, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. The research field of water price pricing research is more extensive. According to the viewpoint of sustainable development theory, the paper makes the economics related from the perspective of resources, environmental management and economic policy. It is applied to the study of water price. First, the research progress of water price is analyzed. Secondly, the international comparative study of the water price system is carried out. The problems revealed in the comparative study become the breakthrough point of the special research. In view of the defects of the current water price system in China, the three aspects of the formation mechanism of water price, the pricing model of water price, and the pricing mechanism of water price are made respectively. Conduct thematic studies and pay attention to the linkage and relevance between thematic studies.
In order to obtain the general rule from the perfect water price system and find the breakthrough point for the research of the paper, the paper chooses the water price system of the United States, Canada, the UK and France to make a comparative study, and sums up the common characteristics of the water price system of the four countries, and provides a reference for the reform of the water price system in China. The important source of the price distortion and the distortion of the water price system lies in the non price concept of natural resources and the lack of systematic study on the theory of water price and the pricing method of water price. On the basis of this, the value of natural water resources is analyzed according to Marx's theory of labor value and Western utility value theory, and the water resources have economic value and ecological environment. According to the theory of land rent, the formation mechanism of water price is analyzed based on the theory of land rent. The formation of water price should include the price of resources, the price of engineering water and the price of the environment. The redefined water price is in contrast with the current water price.
On the basis of the clear value connotation and price composition of water resources, this paper analyzes the pricing methods of natural resources, takes the sustainable development as the guiding ideology, establishes the pricing ideas and pricing principles of water price, and analyses the related factors affecting the pricing of water price, and gives the structure of the pricing model of water price, and constructs the water price, water price and environment of the project respectively. The price pricing model of water price is used to establish a dynamic and full cost price pricing model. The resource water price is the core and difficulty of the value accounting of water resources. It is the benchmark of water price pricing. The paper focuses on the study of the pricing method of resources water price, and uses the model of resource water price to prove the price of water resources in Dalian area. The discussion puts forward the pricing range of reclaimed water and the subsidy policy of desalinated water price, and establishes an integrated pricing system of water resources and reclaimed water resources.
Finally, the paper analyses the mode of water resources allocation, and proposes to choose different price pricing mechanism according to the characteristics of water resources and water demand, reform the current single government pricing mechanism, gradually form the government pricing, government guidance pricing and market pricing of three pricing machines. The measures to improve the government pricing mechanism are different users. Carry out differential pricing, scientifically design water price structure, choose reasonable collection mode, gradually abolish water price subsidy, straighten water resources management system, clear water price management authority. The key to introducing market pricing mechanism is to configure initial water right, open water market and promote market pricing mechanism further through the establishment of water rights trading system. Good.
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