[Abstract]:Public investment is one of the main tools for the government to regulate the economy. Economists have different views on the role of public investment policy in the economy. This paper makes a thorough and thorough analysis of the economic role of public investment in the light of modern economic theory and the practice of public investment at home and abroad.
The paper first analyzes and explains the different views and reasons of Keynes and the neo classical comprehensive school on public investment. Keynes and the neo classical comprehensive school, based on the multiplier theory, make different choices for the public expenditure policy. Keynes emphasizes the importance of capital accumulation and emphasizes public investment, and the new classical comprehensive school is the opposite. There is no sufficient theoretical basis for their choice. This is due to the limitation of the theory of the multiplier of investment multiplier theory and its extended form of the multiplier theory in the analysis of economic problems. The multiplier theory mainly analyzes the role of fiscal policy from the perspective of the total demand. Therefore, the public expenditure policy is based on the multiplier model. It is difficult to compare and choose a total investment policy and a consumption public expenditure policy.
Then the author, following Keynes's emphasis on the idea of capital formation, briefly reviews the importance of economic growth theory to capital investment and the evolution of the knowledge of capital investment, and uses modern economic analysis methods to analyze the role of public investment in the process of aggregate capital accumulation in the society from two angles of theory and demonstration. There may be a complementary relationship between the capital and the private capital. The accumulation of total social capital is carried out through the process of alternately rising between public and private capital. Public and private investment are the main tools to promote the accumulation of total social capital and promote economic growth in different periods.
The author uses the latest economic theory to show that public investment is productive, namely public investment, including public investment, investment in government infrastructure, investment in education, investment in research and development, and the analysis of the economic role of public investment in the total supply demand model. The role of demand and total supply. The paper focuses on the role of government investment in infrastructure, education investment and research and development investment in promoting the change of economic resource conditions and improving the potential output level of the economy. The final effect of public investment on the output level is through the promotion of the total demand curve and the total supply curve. The common result of the rightward shift is due to the gradual shift in the right direction of the aggregate supply curve, and the multiplier effect of public investment will be longer.
The practice of public investment in China and Western countries shows that public investment can make two-way adjustment to the total demand, while public investment will improve the level of economic supply, and the promotion of public investment to the economy is long-term.
A long-term view of the role of public investment in China's economic growth.
The level of public investment in capital, human capital and research and development is low.
In order to promote economic growth, we must pay special attention to increasing government investment in education and research and development.
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