[Abstract]:In the long river of human history, the relationship between philosophy and economics is close and universal, in which methodology is one of the bridges that link the two. Philosophy, as the essence of the spirit of the times, should pay attention to economics and provide the guidance of world outlook and methodology for economics, and economics without philosophical basis is not a complete economics. In the same way, the economy should provide rich nourishment for philosophy, and promote the formation of economic thought and the construction of economic theory through economic methodology. The interaction and infiltration of philosophy and Economics on the methodology level promoted the common development of the two major disciplines.
In the middle of the nineteenth Century, the thought of scientism and humanism in the capitalist society had laid a solid philosophical foundation for the formation of western economic methodology, and had a wide and profound influence on the neoclassical economics and contemporary western economics, especially in the case of logical positivism, falsification and historical owners. Under the influence of the philosophy of science, the methodology of economics has developed a complete set of analytical framework and tools. The basic feature is the logical deduction method based on the hypothesis of "rational man", which is based on the hypothesis of "rational man". The most outstanding performance is the extensive application of Mathematics in economics and is becoming more precise and extensive. In the final analysis, the reason why economics is called "the Pearl of the crown of social science" is, in the final analysis, because it is more thorough in the theoretical construction and study of the requirements of methodology in theoretical construction and research than in other social disciplines. But all of these are complicated and uncertain in the current economic world. The impact and challenge of sexual and accidental events. Although economics is a discussion about the relationship of interest, it is a discussion of the relationship of people's interests. Therefore, economists can not have no humanistic care without the necessary sense of social responsibility. All the famous economists in the history of thought have their own persistent economic philosophy and moral sentiment. In particular, the philosophical thought of humanism based on humanism and the methodology characterized by non rationalism are also responded to in the western mainstream and non mainstream economic methodology, and have a further influence on the development of western mainstream economics methodology. The rationalization and the rise of postmodernism lead to the integration of philosophy of science and humanistic philosophy in the same way, and then influence the western economic methodology from the uniformed method of "Scientism" to pluralism, so that the economic methodology emphasizes human spirit and calls for humanistic care at the same time with rational empirical methodology.
A number of empirical studies have shown that the two major philosophical thoughts in the modern West have fully demonstrated their tension in the revolution of economic paradigm in the aspects of positivist criticism and humanism criticism. Therefore, the author believes that the way to understand the methodology of economics lies in the use of philosophical ideas, thinking, methods, and economic methodology. Based on this understanding, this article mainly analyzes the influence and effect of the two western philosophies of thought: the ideological trend of scientism and humanism on the formation and development of various western economic thought theories and methods, combing the history of the changes of economic methodology caused by the changes of the two western philosophies of thought, and thus criticizing it. Absorb and draw lessons from the research methodology system of western economics.
China's economic problems have entered into the further development of the methodology of Chinese economics for the purpose of building a society with Chinese characteristics.
To serve the market economy.
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