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发布时间:2018-08-02 11:30
【摘要】: 黄河断流,长江洪涝;可可西里荒漠,蒙古高原沙暴。发生的一切让人震惊,发生的一切让人觉醒。所幸的是,越来越多的人已经认识到:可持续发展是中华民族未来的保证。 什么是现今中国可持续发展的关键因素?是科学技术、文化传统,还是人口、经济发展水平,抑或是自然资源与自然环境?带着对这一问题的思考,进入了论文的前期准备工作。随着准备工作的深入,越来越认识到“制度”在可持续发展诸因素中的重要性,由此决定从制度的角度来分析中国的可持续发展问题。 在分析的过程中,本文借鉴当代可持续发展理论及西方新制度经济学的有关研究成果,并从中国可持续发展的实践出发,运用规范分析与实证分析、理论分析与数量分析相结合的研究方法,试图揭示我国可持续发展与制度建设的复杂关系,进而阐明在社会主义市场经济条件下,制度建设是中国可持续发展的关键因素,以及依靠制度建设实现我国可持续发展战略目标的基本途径。 全文共8章,分属序篇、上篇、下篇。序篇简述可持续发展基本理论。上篇联系中国实际,通过对影响中国可持续发展诸因素的对比论证,得出“制度是中国可持续发展关键因素”的论点。下篇着重论述如何依靠制度建设实现可持续发展战略。 序篇仅包括第一章。在第一章可持续发展理论中,简要地阐述了传统发展观的缺陷、可持续发展观的确立过程以及可持续发展的内涵。虽然可持续发展理论早已为人所知,但作为论文整个逻辑体系的一部分,稍作介绍仍有必要,故以此为序篇。 上篇:制度是中国可持续发展的关键因素。该篇包括第二、三、四章。通过层层推进、逻辑演绎,得出论断。 第二章:中国与可持续发展。该章主要论述可持续发展对我国的特殊重要意义和我国实施可持续发展应当遵循的基本原则,为第三、四章WP=3的分析作了铺垫。 第三章:中国可持续发展基本因素分析。该章分五节,分别从自然资源和自然环境、人口、经济发展水平、科学技术、文化五个方面分析对我国可持续发展的影响。每节的结构大致相同,遵循从一般到具体的思路,即先一般性地论述该因素对可持续发展的影响,再具体到中国实际谈具体影响。 第四章:可持续发展的关键因素——制度。该章分为三节。第一节:由“公地悲剧”看制度对可持续发展的关键作用,通过经典案例揭示论点:现实中一切人与自然关系的危机、一切生态环境问题,从表面上来看,是人与自然关系的不和谐问题,但其背后隐藏的实质都是人与人关系的不和谐问题,是规定人与人关系的社会经济制度的扭曲问题;为了遏制中国生态环境的恶化,实现可持续发展,迫切需要把制度作为根本的切入口,通过制度创新实现制度均衡,为可持续发展提供制度上的保证。第二节:制度对可持续发展的直接作用,该节从“良好的制度约束人们不利于可持续发展的行为”、“制度能保证社会收益‘最大化’”、“制度为实现合作创作条件”、“制度有助于消除外部性”等四个方面作了抽象论证。第三节:制度对可持续发展诸因素的影响,试图结合中国实际,论述制度对影响可持续发展诸因素的影响,间接地论证制度的关键作用。 下篇:依靠制度建设,实现可持续发展。下篇包括第五、六、七、八章,分别从市场经济体制、产权制度、法律制度、政府作用四个方面加以论述。各章结构近似,,先论其对可持续发展的作用,再提出制度设计。在此应当说明的是:市场经济体制、产权制度、法律制度、政府作用四方面并非对立矛盾的,也不存在孰优孰劣,而是相辅相成,共同构建一个可供选择的制度集合。 第五章:建立与完善市场经济体制。首先对比论证计划经济体制与市场经济体制对可持续发展的影响,然后提出通过建立、健全资源的价格形成机制和充分利用国际市场配置资源以实现可持续发展。 第六章:产权制度建设。先论证产权对生态环境保护和资源合理利用的积极作用,再提出可供选择的产权形式。在各种产权形式中,资源WP=4使用权专用化是一个较符合中国国情又能合理保护、利用资源的思路。 第七章:法律制度建设。首先通过一个博弈模型来揭示法律制度对生态环保的积极作用,再从立法与执法角度论述我国关于可持续发展的法律制度建设。 第八章:积极发挥政府作用。先分析政府为实现可持续发展干预经济的必要性和应遵循的原则,再从行政手段、税收手段、可交易许可证制度等诸多方面论述政府如何有效地实施干预。 相对于上篇而言,下篇诸章侧重于操作层面上的分析。从一定意义上讲,下篇的论述也为“制度是可持续发展的关键因素”作了注脚。 本文的特点在于:(1)在对可持续发展问题的研究角度上,着力于制度分析;(2)明确提出在社会主义市场经济条件下,中国可持续发展的关键因素是制度;(3)对如何依靠制度建设以实现中国可持续发展战略目标作了一定的探讨;(4)在研究方法上,定性分析与定量分析相结合,采用一些模型来解释、解决问题。 因为本人学力有限,所以在一些问题的阐述上,显得不够深入,不够全面。如在论述产权制度建设以保证可持续发展时,没有涉及企业产权制度,只着重论述了共享资源的产权制
[Abstract]:The Yellow River, the flood of the Yangtze River, the flood of the Yangtze River, the desert of the cocoa West, the sand storm in the Mongolia plateau. Everything is shocking, and everything is awakening. Fortunately, more and more people have realized that sustainable development is the guarantee of the future of the Chinese nation.
What is the key factor for the sustainable development of China today? Is it science, technology, cultural tradition, population, economic development level, or natural resources and natural environment? With thinking about this problem, it has entered the preparatory work of the paper. With the deepening of the preparation work, more and more recognition of the "system" in the sustainable development The importance of these factors determines the sustainable development of China from the perspective of system.
In the process of the analysis, this paper draws on the relevant research results of contemporary sustainable development theory and Western New Institutional Economics, and, starting from the practice of sustainable development in China, uses normative analysis and empirical analysis, the combination of theoretical analysis and quantitative analysis, trying to reveal the complexity of China's sustainable development and system construction. Then it is explained that under the conditions of socialist market economy, the system construction is the key factor of China's sustainable development and the basic way to realize the strategic goal of sustainable development in China by system construction.
The full text consists of 8 chapters. It belongs to the preface, the first and the next. This article briefly describes the basic theory of sustainable development. The first part of this article is related to China's reality. Through the comparison and demonstration of the factors that affect the sustainable development of China, the thesis concludes that "the system is the key factor of China's sustainable development". The next chapter focuses on how to rely on the construction of the system to realize the war of sustainable development. A little.
The first chapter includes the first chapter. In the theory of sustainable development in the first chapter, it briefly expounds the defects of the traditional concept of development, the process of establishing the concept of sustainable development and the connotation of sustainable development. Although the theory of sustainable development has long been known to people, it is still necessary to make a brief introduction as part of the whole logical system of the paper. Preface.
Part I: Institution is the key factor of China's sustainable development. This chapter includes the second, third and fourth chapters. Through layer upon layer of advancement, logical deduction, come to the conclusion.
The second chapter: China and sustainable development. This chapter mainly discusses the special significance of sustainable development to our country and the basic principles to be followed in the implementation of sustainable development in China, which lays the groundwork for the analysis of the third, fourth chapter of WP=3.
The third chapter: the analysis of the basic factors of sustainable development in China. This chapter is divided into five sections, respectively from five aspects of natural resources and natural environment, population, economic development level, science and technology, and culture. The structure of each section is roughly the same and follows from the same to the concrete idea, that is, the factors are discussed in general. The impact on sustainable development is specific to China's actual effect.
The fourth chapter: the key factor of sustainable development - the system. This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section: the key role of the system to sustainable development by "the tragedy of the public land", through the classical case, reveals the argument that the crisis of the relationship between all people and nature in reality, all the ecological environment problems, from the surface, is the relationship between man and nature. The essence of harmony, but the essence behind it, is the disharmony between human and human relations. It is a distortion of the social and economic system that stipulates the relationship between people and people. In order to prevent the deterioration of China's ecological environment and realize the sustainable development, the system is urgently needed as a fundamental entry point to achieve institutional equilibrium through institutional innovation. The second section: the direct role of the system on sustainable development, which is from "a good system restrains people's behavior against sustainable development", "the system can maximize the social benefits", "the system is the conditions for the creation of cooperative creation", and the "system helps eliminate externalities" and other parties. The third section: the influence of the system on the factors of sustainable development, trying to combine the Chinese reality, to discuss the influence of the system on the factors that affect the sustainable development, and to demonstrate the key role of the system indirectly.
The next chapter: relying on the system construction to achieve sustainable development. The next chapter includes fifth, sixth, seven, eight chapters, respectively from the market economic system, property rights system, legal system, the government's role in four aspects. The structure of each chapter is similar, first on its role in sustainable development, and then put forward the system design. Here should be explained: the market economy system, The four aspects of property right system, legal system and government function are not antagonistic contradictions, but they do not exist to be superior and inferior, but complement each other, together to build a set of institutions to choose.
The fifth chapter is to establish and improve the market economy system. First, it compares the impact of the planned economy system and the market economic system on the sustainable development, and then proposes to establish a sound mechanism for the formation of the price of resources and make full use of the resources of the international market to achieve sustainable development.
The sixth chapter: the construction of property right system. First, demonstrate the positive role of property rights on the protection of the ecological environment and the rational utilization of resources, and then put forward the form of property right which can be chosen. In various forms of property rights, the specialization of the right to use the resources WP=4 is a way of thinking which is more in line with the national conditions of China and can be rationally protected and utilized.
The seventh chapter: the construction of legal system. First, through a game model to reveal the positive role of legal system on ecological environmental protection, and then discuss the legal system construction of our country on sustainable development from the angle of legislation and law enforcement.
The eighth chapter: actively play the role of the government. First, analyze the necessity and principles of the government to realize the sustainable development of the intervention economy, and then discuss how the government effectively implements the intervention from the administrative means, the tax means, the tradable license system and many other aspects.
Compared with the last chapter, the next chapter focuses on the analysis of the operational level. In a sense, the next chapter also notes that "system is the key factor for sustainable development".
The characteristics of this article are: (1) in the perspective of sustainable development, we focus on institutional analysis; (2) the key factor of China's sustainable development is the system under the conditions of socialist market economy; (3) a certain discussion is made on how to rely on system construction to achieve the strategic goal of sustainable development of China; (4) Research methods, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, combined with some models to explain, solve problems.
Because of my limited learning ability, it is not thorough and comprehensive in the exposition of some problems. For example, when discussing the construction of property rights system to ensure sustainable development, the system of property rights is not involved, and the property right system of sharing resources is emphasized.


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