[Abstract]:As an investment tool to support entrepreneurs, venture capital is developing innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, developing high-tech industries, widening the job market, enhancing employment opportunities, and optimizing the allocation of resources. The cultivation of new economic growth points has played a great role and attracted great attention from various countries. Since the beginning of 1980's, venture capital as a special research field has attracted people's attention. Due to the development of the times, research hotspots are different in different periods. With the award of the Nobel Prize in 1996 to two information economists, Vickrey and Morse, scholars at home and abroad are more and more interested in information economics, and continue to apply the theory of information economics to the study of the operational mechanism of venture capital. Based on the theme of venture capital fund, this paper uses the theory of information economics to compare the three aspects of the operation mechanism of venture capital fund: the evaluation of venture entrepreneur, the optimization of venture capital structure and the exit of venture capital fund. (1) on the basis of analyzing the types of agency risks of entrepreneurial entrepreneurs and the causes of agency risks, The qualitative analysis of entrepreneurial entrepreneur evaluation index based on agency risk is carried out. The index system of entrepreneur evaluation is put forward. (2) the investment tools commonly used by venture capital companies are investigated. It also analyzes the reasons why venture capital companies choose more equity investment tools. Based on the theory of information economics, this paper analyzes the capital structure of entrepreneurial enterprises and constructs a simple transaction model based on venture capitalists (companies) and entrepreneurs. This paper discusses the compensation mechanism under the uncertainty of venture capital output. (3) on the basis of analyzing the exit mode of venture capital fund, This paper analyzes the main factors that affect the investment period of venture capital fund.
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