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发布时间:2018-10-24 08:43
【摘要】:马克思的生产劳动理论是劳动价值论的重要组成部分。关于这个理论,无论在经济学界还是高等学府的经济学教科书中,长期以来一直都流行这样一种观点:马克思认为生产具有物质形态产品的劳动才是生产劳动,生产非物质形态产品的劳动是非生产劳动。但是,随着社会生产力的不断提高,物质生产在发达资本主义国家的经济中所占的比重日趋下降,非物质生产的比重大幅上升。因此,有人就认为马克思主义经济学中关于生产劳动的理论过时了,需要进行重新研究或是直接否定。然而,一种理论的创新或是否定不外乎有两种原因:一是原有理论的确已经过时不能再包容现代社会的经济现实,因此要突破或者否定;二是人们对原有的理论存在严重误解,误认为这种理论是错误的,要进行突破或否定。而一种理论被突破或是否定后,所谓的新理论往往都未能超越原有理论分析的范围。 文章从生产劳动与非生产劳动划分问题入手,通过大量引用马克思经济理论著作关于生产劳动与非生产劳动论述的原文,并站在马克思研究问题的立场和角度,应用马克思的研究方法—唯物辩证法,对马克思的生产劳动理论中关于什么是生产劳动,什么是非生产劳动进行说明、总结。进而澄清这样一个事实:马克思主义经济学中关于生产劳动的理论并不过时,马克思关于生产劳动的概念是包含我们今天所说的精神领域的劳动,而马克思的生产劳动概念也正是对剩余价值学说的一个抽象。并且这一概念也被我们今天所谈及的文化经济、知识经济的发展所证实是一个科学的概念。因此人们对马克思的生产劳动理论普遍存在的是第二种观点;正是基于这样一个事实,还马克思生产劳动理论的本义。对于我们正确理解当今服务性产业理论以及实践部门进行产业划分、宏观调控和构建科学的国民经济核算体系都有着重要的理论指导意义。 本论文共分四部分:第一部分中,主要回顾了马克思对前人生产劳动理论的批判和继承,主要阐述马克思对亚当·斯密的生产劳动的评论。第二部分中,我们研究了马克思关于生产劳动理论的直接论述,主要从其研究方法、《马克思恩格斯全集》第26卷、第49卷中关于生产劳动的论述以及《资本论》中关于生产劳动的论述。第三部分中,我们就现代社会生产方式下生产劳动的问题做了阐述,主要就中国现代生产方式下的生产劳动的范畴作了一下说明。第四部分中,就马克思生产劳动理论中生产劳动与非生产劳动的区分,阐述了其对第三产业划分、国民经济核算的经济学意义。
[Abstract]:Marx's theory of productive labor is an important part of the theory of labor value. As to this theory, it has long been popular in economics textbooks in economics circles and institutions of higher learning that Marx believed that the production of products with material forms is the production of labor. The labor that produces immaterial form product is non-productive labor. However, with the continuous improvement of social productive forces, the proportion of material production in the economy of developed capitalist countries is decreasing day by day, and the proportion of non-material production has increased significantly. Therefore, some people think that the theory of productive labor in Marxist economics is out of date and needs to be restudied or directly denied. However, there are two reasons for the innovation or negation of a theory. One is that the original theory is indeed out of date and can no longer contain the economic reality of modern society, so it is necessary to break through or deny it. Second, people have serious misunderstandings about the original theory. Mistaken for this kind of theory is wrong, must carry on the breakthrough or the negation. However, after a theory is broken through or denied, the so-called new theory often fails to exceed the scope of the original theoretical analysis. This paper begins with the division of productive and non-productive labor, by quoting a large number of Marxist economic theoretical works on productive and non-productive labor, and standing on the standpoint and angle of Marx's research on the problem. By applying Marx's research method-materialist dialectics, this paper explains and summarizes Marx's theory of productive labor about what is productive labor and what is non-productive labor. And then clarify the fact that the theory of productive labor in Marxist economics is not out of date, that Marx's concept of productive labor includes what we call the spiritual field of labor today. Marx's concept of productive labor is an abstraction of the theory of surplus value. And this concept is proved to be a scientific concept by the cultural economy and the development of knowledge economy. Therefore, there is a second point of view on Marx's theory of productive labor, which is based on such a fact and gives the original meaning of Marx's theory of productive labor. It is of great theoretical significance for us to correctly understand the theory of service industry and practice the division of industry macro-control and the construction of a scientific system of national economic accounting. This paper is divided into four parts: in the first part, the author reviews Marx's criticism and inheritance of previous productive labor theory, and expounds Marx's comments on Adam Smith's productive labor. In the second part, we study Marx's direct exposition on the theory of productive labor, mainly from its research methods, the complete works of Marx and Engels, vol. 26, Volume 49 on productive labor and on productive labor in Capital. In the third part, we expound the problem of productive labor under modern social production mode, and mainly explain the category of production labor under Chinese modern production mode. In the fourth part, on the basis of the distinction between productive and non-productive labor in Marx's theory of productive labor, the economic significance of the division of tertiary industry and national economic accounting is expounded.


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